Talking Horses Daily Trivia

Nope, just years of watching quizzes with Mum and Dad have instilled a vast repository of general knowledge in me, plus i'm cleverer than Paul so he cant beat me!!!!!!
No and that's the point!!!! One handed typing here while trying to get her to sleep with the other. Actually, that ain't fair. She is usually sleeping well, just not tonight.
I didn't get a baseball question. The way she is now, I think I will be up all night.....
It's amazing to see the vast improvements in timing since Brian burst onto the scene with a stunning 10 in 58 seconds. Happy Jack's just made 10 in 38 seconds. Is it due to the new Polytrack gallops, the extra selenium mineral licks, or are these whizzkids already on Bute? I think we should be told.

I really just can't scroll fast enough to those little dots!
I didn't get a paintball question, so it must randomly select new posers for each of us. However, someone has set the thing so I seem to get a load of NFL and film stuff! :suspect: