Telegraph Fantasy racing Cheltenham 2014

Well done, 11th is very good. I finished 2nd for TRF and about 463 altogether.

You should join us next year you would improve our team performance but you have some way to go to be best overall.:D

Our best was 66th OVERALL OF TRF
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Well done, 11th is very good. I finished 2nd for TRF and about 463 altogether.

One thing I would like to bring up if I may.
TRF and Cormack got a lot of stick and criticism from you for the amount of advertising on it's forum yet every thread opened on here has a massive banner before you can reach the 2nd post.

Ive never seen that or remember being critical? The only thing I can remember being critical of is the big stupid login box that appears and the fact it constantly logs me out. It annoys me so much that for the first time for 15 years or so I haven't taken part in the 4PP this season :(

Oh , the banner has gone, silly me. Perhaps it's when you're not logged in.
but you get my point?

it is, its there to try to pursuade people to join rather than use the forum as guests. If you are logged in you should only see one banner at the top of each page. Theres an announcement at the top of the forum explaining why :)

BTW in case anyone took it the wrong way, my post above was just banter, TRF and us have always had competitions between ourselves and there always was banter between us (admittedly more so when Daylight was still here) but thats all it was.
Fair enough dvds, perhaps I got the wrong end of the stick.
Nothing wrong with a bit of banter.
Maybe we could arrange a interforum comp in the near future?