Telegraph Fantasy Racing

If it follows last years format there will be a specific CHELTENHAM competition - happy to start that off when its open if anyone else wants to join?

(Limited to one stable per player)
Thats not working for me - just in case have set up a new league - details also in message board on existing league

League name Talking Horses Chelts

PIN 8108543
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Site's a flippin nightmare, won't let me join Ballydoyle's league above, thought it may be because I'm in another league from last year so tried to delete that one, won't let me delete a league either.

Edit: Sent them an email, they have sorted out the problem which was their end and I'm now in.
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Thanks for this - have joined the Talking Horses Chelts league as the first one wouldn't work for me :confused:

Also can't seem to change my name on it so am A New Approahc :lol:
Pig of a site

Think the answer is to do everything early, gives you time to contact them when things don't work.
TBH I havent had any problems but agree its not the easiest site to navigate esp from a tablet :)

Got the week off so for the first time in years will actually get to see it live (well live from the sofa!)

Dont forget if you are signed up for the general fantasy racing game you need to do your two picks for the selected races on that site and for those signed up to the Chelt specific site you need to do one pick for every race.
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