Panto Dames are a leftover from the time when wimminfolk weren't allowed to perform on stage, so the parts of women were played by males - lissom youths subbing for lissom girlies, etc., etc., to put it into its historical context for children. They may ask then why women weren't allowed on stage, but the answer would be because they wouldn't have had time to clean their houses, do the laundering, the sewing, milk the cows, kill the chickens, cook the meals, haul the coal, chop the wood, make the fires, go to market and bring up the 15 kids if they'd been titting about in a playhouse... <_<
Julian Clary simply has a stage persona, as I assume you do when required, DIVER. I've seen him being interviewed or on discussion programmes where he's dropped the professional camping about and been as straight in his talk as the next guy, gay or straight. Just as I doubt that Vinnie Jones stomps in and decks the interviewer with a headbutt, so JC drops the made-for-the-show disguise.