Ten Things I Can't Stand about commentaries !

Thommo's pointless name dropping to the fore again with just the 5 mentions for Mystic Meg during Astroleo's race yesterday.
I do wish the spread betting firms would offer a market,I'd buy every time!
"Jumping from fence to fence" is particularly annoying because it's illogical. You gallop from fence to fence, hopefully jumping over the fences when you meet them. It's the illogicality of some phrases and their lazy application which annoy me. It's like when Dessie says XYZ has "fallen there" when he's done no such thing - punted the jock off, yes, but never touched the ground, or when so-and-so's made "a serious mistake" when all he's done is knock a bit of birch off - that's one beloved of Cattermole, any time he sees a few twigs fly.
...any time he sees a few twigs fly.

I don’t like the term “twigs fly” though. It’s more accurate to say that: "bits of birch have broken off the fence and been propelled through the air in an imitation of flying".:):)
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Thought Lee Mackenzie was very irritating yesterday - lots of stupid listing and endless tedious references to Super Saturday and over-excited squealing calling . He is a second rate commentator what was he doing at a top meeting ?
You leave lovely Lee alone, you big bully - anyone with a pretty good resemblance to Rufus Sewell (Zen, BBC1) is fine with me.