The Best Mate Poem

an capall

Senior Jockey
May 2, 2003
We have Lucky Jim laying wreaths like confetti to BM and then we have a poem at the statue that is larger than Arkles.

It would take a hard hearted bugger to watch that without........puking.
Can we through in the "What's that coming over the hill, it's Inglis Drever..." by the fame crazed groom?
Strange you should say that about her being "fame crazed" Steve - I was told how "sour" I was for commenting about that on another forum.

It has to be said that most lads would receive the bollocking of their life for throwing their arms up into the air whilst holding the horses reins - not only did she nearly hit him in the face with the reins (have a look at for evidence of this) there was also a risk of letting go of the horse.

Ginny is a nice girl if mad as a box of frogs but this 'fame' thing is getting daft now. It should be about the horse, not about her constantly jumping around all over the place and sticking her face in front of the cameras.

Apart from anything else, what about all the other grooms that take delight in their horses winning, at no matter what level? All channel 4 keep banging on about is that she clearly loves the horse - newsflash, most grooms love their horses and yes, their lives do revolve around their horses even if they're winning at Bangor and not Cheltenham.
Can we throw in the "What's that coming over the hill, it's Inglis Drever..." by the fame crazed groom?

I thought all that too, but was too nice to mention it. Thats the C4 influence. They find an interesting human story, but then milk it so much it causes the subjects to turn into quasi Big Brother exhibitionists.
I just think all the fuss is over the top and she plays up to the cameras. Like it or not, what she did in the winner's enclosure with Drever [throwing her arms up in the air and nearly hitting him in the face] was stupid and should have resulted in a bollocking. It's all very much a case of "look at me, look at me" whenever any cameras are around.
I’ve decided to treat you all to a master class in the ruination of blank verse.


In celebration of Denman’s glorious victory against reigning champion Kauto Star and a toiling field of also-rans in the 2008 Cheltenham Gold Cup

“…gentlemen in England now a-bed
Shall think themselves accursed they were not here”.
William Shakespeare, Henry V (Act IV, Scene III)

UNDEFEATED as a chaser
He set his foot on Prestbury Park
The match we yearned for, prayed for, begged for
Set before us, here at last

The Tank versus the reigning Champ
Denman versus Kauto Star
The pair we’d taken to our hearts –
As Arkle and the great Mill House
– Rising power to patriarch

Denman’s physique filled the eye
Hewn from granite, raw and plain
Alongside his two stable-neighbours
And the others in the line

Denman rose from fence to fence
Every leap a joy to scan
The proper horse for course and distance
While the opposition faded
One by one in their own time

Unrelenting, unremitting
At the height he strode away
The champion bobbing in his wake
Like a cork in a rough sea

At the ditch Ruby gave rein
Asking Kauto to fight back
He toiled to summon all his spirit
Stretched before us on the rack

Sam Thomas held his nerve on Denman
Gathered sinew, grace and power
As horse and rider bounded onward
Up that unforgiving hill

Brutal, beautiful, impassive
Now unleashed the horse of war
Galloped all the others senseless
Broken by the wrath unveiled
– Good horses strung out, beaten, helpless
Dizzy, drunk, to no avail

Kauto held off charging Neptune
Seven lengths behind the prize
Master racehorse trainer Nicholls claimed a glorious
One, two, three –
Ditcheat victorious
Assembly rapturous
Denman’s Gold Cup, Denman’s crown
Never greater sight, nor sound
Well done. :clap: :clap:

And now for one that does rhyme:

My horse has beat Korto,
I knew that he ort to.

- Harry Findlay
Originally posted by Grey@Apr 2 2008, 02:59 PM
My horse has beat Korto,
I knew that he ort to.

- Harry Findlay
A marvellous couplet Grey… a reminder of the finest renaissance poetry… in sentiment if nothing else.