The Devastating Effects Of This Weeks Weather

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Another alert of a man missing in Gainsborough today

A quarter of the UK's peas crop ruined

Worcester racecourse competely flooded

Many farmers worried about their businesses

Lots of people staying in make shift overnight accomodation and are scared of looters taking advantage

Lots of houses ruined with owners having no insurance cover

11 flood alerts in South Yorkshire and more rain forecast

Yet there are heatwaves in Europe :what: .... 46 degrees in Greece yesterday
Also horse owners will be hard hit this winter, a lot of farmers haven't been able to take a hay crop because its been too wet. Its usually done around early June, but when I was home at the weekend non of the farms have started yet and alot of fields have already gone to seed, so whatever hay/straw will be poor quality.

As it looks like it'll be another few weeks, they probably won't be able to take a second crop end of August so there'll be a huge shortage, pushing the price up, even though its poor quality.

I'm not sure how haylage is made, if theres a huge amount f differnce? I think its similar to silage, but the silage crop hasn't been taken yet either.

Glad i decided to wait till next year to get my next one!
More rain forecast unfortunately. This is such bad news for those that are already suffering.

How long before they impose a hosepipe ban?
Across the town they were fighting over sandbags !

Most of Hull was under water and many parts still are with more rain forecast this weekend.
I was stranded on Monday evening with no transport whatever running in or out of the town, every road was the same with families baling water out of their homes.

I spent more than an hour down a manhole rodding out a blockage caused with the drains backing up, happy days :ph34r:
Originally posted by Colin Phillips@Jun 28 2007, 12:31 PM
"Many farmers worried about their businesses"
And now they've got Hilary Benn as Minister for Rural Affairs - don't think he's ever been outside the M25 :angy: and he wants to ban all country sports
Currently in Ascot we have torrential rain and hail stones and I have just put the heating on. Is this really July? shrug::
Met Office have issued Severe Weather Warnings for the whole of the UK for Sunday and Monday.
Just about to head out for the right carrot for the snowman. Are they sporting beanies or full on balaclavas this year.

Picked up a pair of mid thigh length stripey stock thingys for winter yesterday, now I'm feeling it was a bargain.
So it's going to get worse again? :what: :( The weather has been great here all day, I've just got back from a mammoth walk in the woods with the dogs. It's a lovely evening. The thought of yet more bad weather is quite depressing.
'St Swithin’s Day, if it does rain
Full forty days, it will remain
St Swithin’s Day, if it be fair
For forty days, t'will rain no more.

No it t'wont, no rain yesterday and pouring down today.
We have a leaky roof that we are saving up to repair and every time it rains it soaks the kitchen as well, but as far as problems go its nothing to whats been happening where you are, we can at least get out the buckets and grin and bear it knowing that it will be sorted out shortly.

I really hope it gets back to as near enough normal as it can for you all soon. it wont give back what people have lost though.
It's been Armageddon around here for the last couple of days - getting stuck in Thatcham with seemingly no way out around the floodwaters in front of and behind you is scary, especially when you know only one road to your village is open and that's only accessible via several flooded roads previous to it!

Anyway, it's started raining again here and there have been a few claps of thunder as well. For anyone who has nervy pets in thunderstorms, try Bach's Rescue Remedy, it works really well. A few days ago my dog would jump on top of me, literally trying to get inside my skin, (if she wasn't trying to hide in a wardrobe or under a bed!) whilst shaking like a leaf but on my mother's recommendation I tried some Rescue Remedy. She's really good and lets me drop it right on her tongue and it seems to do the trick - she appears to be have been so much more relaxed over the last couple of days on using the stuff as soon as I hear thunder.

Mind you along with my brother & his girlfriend we came to the conclusion that she's probably pissed as a rat on the stuff, she is acting so mellow!!
Lots of flooding around here. I've just been in to work to cover for our cashier who couldn't get out of his village near Wantage. Lots of tales of woe from the punters, one chap took 9 hours to get back from Tewkesbury yesterday! The people of Faringdon are pretty much marooned in.
It took me 4 hours to get back home from Chieveley services yesterday - a journey of around 10 miles! Everywhere I went I had to either turn around or drive through floodwaters and traffic was at a standstill on all roads east from Newbury along to Thatcham and beyond. It was a nightmare!

This was the A4 at Beenham (about 4/5 miles or so from Thatcham) yesterday :

Bach do a load of Flower Remedies but they also do a blend of extracts [Rock Rose, Impatiens, Clematis, Star Of Bethlehem, Cherry Plum] called Rescue Remedy, in yellow packaging, TS. You can get it from Boots, most chemists and most supermarkets in the section with the vitamins. I've used it for years before interviews and stuff & it does help - I didn't really think about giving it to the dog though until Mum suggested it a few days ago. The difference has been amazing - she's literally gone from shaking & trying to crawl inside you to just looking a little concerned but staying lying down where she was. According to the bottle a dose is about 4 drops (so it goes a long way for a tiny bottle) but I've been giving her about 6 drops or so. It's easy to administer too as you just drop it on the tongue.
Good tip about the rescue remedy, I use it myself and find it really works.
My dog is a quivering wreck when there are fireworks going off, he really has a bad time of it, trying to keep him calm or turning up the tv doesn't work, so I might try the rescue remedy this time around and see if it helps.