The Great Global Warming Swindle

Inaccurately edited by you, HT. That was in the context of funding for projects where global warming would be a factor, the funding being provided, by and large, by universities.

Drug companies do, of course, fund research. They don't all do it themselves in their own laboratories. They will fund research facilities within medical teaching hospitals and universities where medical specialities are taught. There are enough examples without me Googling them up for you! I rather doubt that Smith Klein Glaxo or Merck have been involved in the dark art of assassination, since that sort of thing gets kinda counterproductive to profits when found out - best left to the crime novelist to portray!
Are you seriously suggesting that the oil companies are secretly matching the billions spent annuially on the "CO2 industry" without anybody noticing?

Are you seriously suggesting that the energy industry doesn't spend money on research to refute Global Warming? That they don't spend money on political lobby groups to attempt to discredit prominent advocates of the issue? That they don't spend huge amounts to help make sure they get particularly sympathetic politicians into seats of power? That they haven't proved time and time again that they have the business ethics of a loan shark?

Rather than sheltering behind conspiracy theories

Right, so I'm the conspiracy theorist here for arguing against the notion that Global Warming was invented and perpetuated by scientists looking to line their own pockets.

it would be more helpful to answer the questions I raised

Why would it be more helpful? There's scores of scientists out there who you're happy to disregard as frauds with no evidence whatsoever who could tell you the answer.
Gareth, there are no facts to PROVE that MANMADE CO2 causes global warming! No-one is denying that there is a period of global warming. It's occurring now in the same way that global cooling occurred from the 1940s into the 1970s, when everyone became hysterical about the next Big Freeze. It's natural, it's normal, and there's feckall we can do to stop the Sun's power affecting us.

Everyone should be able to accept, regardless of any affiliations to companies, political parties, employers, etc., the simple truth that we were all taught in school: the Sun warms the Earth through its activity. Sometimes, its activity is much stronger for periods of time, and sometimes its activity is less. Thus, when it's very active, the Earth warms up accordingly. Now I don't think anyone would need a Ph.D to understand that. When the Earth warms up, the oceans release more CO2 which eventually rises (heat rises, heated water vapour rises, blah, blah) and enters the troposphere as entirely NATURAL, NORMAL CO2.

Warming occurs on the surface (of Earth) and permeates upwards - if somehow physics has been reversed, and warm air now falls down instead of rising up, I think we should be told, so that we can throw away the textbooks and rewrite history.
Gareth, nobody is denying the existence of global warming!

What is an issue for me is the lack of a statistical cause-and-effect link betwen an increase in CO2 levels and an increase in temperature levels. Yes, increased levels of (man-made and otherwise) CO2 have a greenhouse effect, but it has to be an infinitesimally small one, or else we would see increases in CO2 levels preceding, rather than following, these rises in temperature.

Compare and contrast with the link between an increase in CFCs and localised damage to the ozone layer. In this case, there was a fairly well proven cause-and-effect argument, and so it has been proved, when a significant fall in CFC emissions has resulted in these ozone holes healing up.
You know, Ven, I think that some people are confusing exactly that - damage to the ozone layer from CFCs (now banned in aerosols) and naturally-occuring CO2 and the equally natural layer of greenhouse gases. Once the 'experts' have recovered themselves from the boob over CO2, I'm fully expecting them to go mad over argon or any of the other trace gases! Mind you, I think they DID go crazy over argon, come to think of it, in fridges back in the 1970s... argon would destroy civilization as we know it, etc. What next - too much oxygen is bad for you?