The July Cup


It makes it all the more easy to call him ungenuine after that. The fact that he kept going forwards owed only to the persistence of his rider than any willingness of behalf of the horse. There's no reason why he shouldn;t have been able to go the gallop and pick up the bridle other than his unwillingness to do so. I agree that some horses carry their heads high, 9 times out of 10 because they aren't putting it all in.

He has never done that over 7 furlongs or a mile DJ. I dont think he is a natural sprinter, but they probably realise he is not good enough for the top events over a mile so they persist with sprinting hoping he might just bag one. Over further he has travelled with plenty of power and willingness.
I'm not a big fan of US Ranger, he's one of those really frustrating horses who you never seem to know how he's going to run and often flatters to deceive.

But I'm not sure what more he could have done today, given how wide Marchand D'Or came. He probably thinks he won the race. When he hooked up side-by-side with Marchand D'Or in the Golden Jubilee he raced him for a good furlong and a half and pipped him for fifth. Hopefully they'll hook up again in the Maurice de Gheest or Sprint Cup.
This is not to boast but just to give an insight. I was standing nearest the A'OB camp in the parade ring before the big race today. It was to me astonishing how long and incredibly detailed AOB's instructions to his 3 jockeys were. - btw he did the same at Sandown.

He virtually rode every possible permutation of the race with each jock - but not separately, he briefs them in a group. As a collective.

It's an amazing thing to watch, even not hearing the words: you get different tugs on the reins, left a bit, right, or ...... fingers going here there and - well not everywhere, in fact not far at all, it's very nuanced.... each jock is clocked in the eye: - if this happens, do this - left - right, fingers up, or down, go round or between - eyes right or left - it's so detailed, it's astonishing... You get the feeling watching all this that AOB could ride every horse in every race and do it better than the jocks.

It's a case of a tweaking of the finger, he's advising them on, before the race! Pheeeeww

Amazing to watch that going down, and partly explains the reason they need team jocks, just to interpret! Awesome stuff, can't be easy to ride for anyone with that degree of control - but it must give them so much of that weird stuff that comes on the cusp of confidence / invincibility / irresponsibility which leaves them free to just ride their race. The thinking has all but been taken out of it

This will propb read madly in the morning, but tonight I'm still overwhelmed by what I witessed today and not for the first time!
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Just seen the race for the first time and what painful viewing it was. As well as doing my knackers on a place lay of US Ranger i took 36 on Astronomer Royal the other day and was unaware until now how close-up he was. I also had a bundle on him at 6.6 to place.