The Levy.

The Levy's been going 50 years - does that coincide with the opening of LBOs in Britain?
Some kind of deal done back then?
Which of course brings us to <fanfare of trumpets> the loosening of restrictions on ... credit!

See, it all came from back then.

It's all too dirty .... wash my mouth out now. yeuch.

You'll maybe think I hate what effect easy money & loose credit has on us .....
In fact, the more I muse on it the more I'm thinking ...

The Levy & its consequences has ruined racing.

Have a tote & on-course pitches for 'turf accountants'.
Kick the rest into touch. LBOs, internet betting both can go.

Watch the field sizes dwindle then disappear at the lower end & the quality persisting elsewhere.

The result would be just quality.

Popular idea this'll be. :lol:
Ah come on, try to see past the money!
Racing existed before the Levy.
If you want what you get nowadays, fine, carry on the way you're going & so will racing.

I'll get myself bored with this, too, soon enough.

There's a lot of faint hearts around!