It got a mention a few times on the radio this morning. I wouldn't have thought it required a mathematical formula to arrive at the conclusion, though. Common sense would have enabled the various factors to be put together.
I'm having a totally sh*tty day. Presumably things can only get better
Well, it's one month since the solstice, which looked at another way means we're already through the darkest two months of winter. Don't you already notice a stretch in the evenings?
But EP, it's only three weeks old! There are dozens more in which it can improve! Yes, the day's are already getting to stay lighter for longer. I wanted to garden again today, but it's been raining steadily since dawn's early light and is a bit windy with it. I'm not averse to rain, but it messes up the specs, and I can't see what I'm doing without them!
No, no, you mustn't do that, my dear. Or it'll all be over in, ohhh... about four minutes! Well, whatever's making it miserable for you, I shall wish it away with the magic burnt feathers routine.
Uh-oh! Sorry about that - didn't mean to burn your house down...
Completely and utterly shite day here with regards to toally barking co-directors who cannot get on one with the other and which has landed me yet again slap, bang in the middle of yet another interminabl wrangle about where our company is supposedly heading. Which, with their current performances, will be straight to the dogs....
However, Maggie hopefully will think it's a good day, as she's having her first outing under saddle for about two months, sadly with Rosie on board and not me. See para above for reasons..... aaagggghhhh....
You'll be so glad to see the back of it, Songs, it's been dragging on for nearly as long as I've known you. I should treat yourself to another horse as a 'well done' to yourself when it's over! Hope you're not also denying yourself the occasional stiff one for relaxation?
I had a delicious bowl of tomato soup into which I stirred lots of mussels in a piquant sauce and extra tarragon, then fell asleep watching Kempton. So, likewise, very pleasant, although the rain went bonkers after a brief spell of brightness. I didn't have time to change into my wellies to go out and do the wee garden, before it smashed down again and turned the roads to rivers. Fontwell Park is going to be a slog if this keeps up - and that's just for us workers!
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