The most important person in the house...


Oct 7, 2012
East Midlands
Is often not human. Anyone that has a dog, cat, parrot will know what I mean.

So thought it might be a good idea to give any special friends a moment of glory on the world's greatest forum.

Meet Pickle, a 4 year old Spaniel/Pointer cross from Cyprus....


And, for interest, here's an artist's representation my wife fixed up for me for Christmas. I think it's great...


...and Pickle in favorite resting pose....

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I have a 14 year Old bichon frise who was diagnosed with prostate cancer 2 years ago and given 6 months to live.His groomer calls him Benjamin Button because he seems to be getting younger.His libido has absolutely exploded in the last month -not bad for an old man.
Ah sounds lovely, Luke.

Like many I've had close relationships with dogs all my life. Starting off from a boy we got a sheep dog from Battersea and named him Gizzy. He lived until 22 years of age...I'm sure he was nearly due in the Guinness Book of World Records.
The next dog my mum got was a Rottweiler.

The most placid lovely natured dog you could wish with the loyal traits of a rottweiler. I called him Biggie after my fav rapper at the time, just glad he never got as a big size-wise as the real Biggie Smalls.

Then before the Rottie's life ended, (he had a good innings for a Rottie-13 years old) my mum and I rescued a Basenji dog we called Cassie. Sadly Cassie died young of cancer but she had a real special relationship with Biggie and I hope they are up together in the heavens now.

Other dogs we have had in more recent years, (I say we, they are my mums dogs, I just help look after them and walk them etc) are a lurcher, bedlington terrier, King Charles, and at the moment we have three wonderful toy poodles called Nellie, Mollie and Dolly.

Dogs have definately been a big part of my life. How do I post a picture in a post on here like Chaumi has done?
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In the quick reply box, Marb. Look at the row of options above, where the last one is a quote symbol. Two in from that to the left is a square-shaped symbol, if you hover your mouse pointer over it, it will say 'insert image'. Click and it will bring up a box that will let you insert an image from your computer.

If your image is too big (the file size is limited by the forum I think) it will say so, then you'd have to edit it to shrink it down a little.

If you get stuck with that, you can send it to me on a mail and I can edit it. PM me and I'll send an email address.

Cookie the beagle died in our arms aged 5, one week before Pickle was due to arrive. Jack is still here, now 14. Pickle and Jack were asleep together on the sofa last night in a very similar position to this.


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My utterly beautiful Miss Miley...the fifth retired greyhound I have owned since getting my first from Battersea in about 1995. Miley came from Henlow dog track aged 2 having retired early due to twice trapping a shoulder nerve coming out of the traps so she refused to go in them anymore. For a greyhound she’s incredibly intelligent but a complete diva and has me wrapped around her little toe!
Blimey: I did it. Winnie Whippet watching The Pursuit of Love in which her mum and sister played Lord Merlins ( the dishy priest from Fleabag) dogs.


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We lost our fawn whippet several years ago and I set my heart on a black one. Throughout our dogless year we kept meeting people with black sighthounds: one of them was a greyhound that had won the Scottish greyhound Derby at a huge price: the only race he ever won I believe. Then a breeder that I’d been in contact with messaged me to say 5 puppies born last night; 3 black bitches, one of them yours. I still well up when I remember getting that message. She’s been our world for 4 years but is very much a lockdown dog and is far more spoilt than my previous dogs.
All my life I wanted a dog but it wasn't until the summer of 2000, when I was about to turn 45, that I finally got one from the local rescue centre.

We'd looked at a few over the weeks, some had been taken by the time we got down to have a second look, but on one of those visits I overheard one of the staff mention the puppy room so I followed that up by asking if they had pups and when she said yes I asked if I could see them. There was just the one litter of seven but they were quite different. Two looked like GSs, three were predominantly white terrier types and two were terracotta-coloured heinzes. The girl said it was possible for a litter to have more than one sire, which I hadn't known but the poor mum must have had quite a night...

Anyway, as I approached the stall they all came rushing forward to stand to get attention. All, that is, except one. This little fellow sat at the back of the stall on a cushion, looking on at the carry-on then looked up at me... and that was it.

A fortnight later we got to take him home. We had him for 14 and a half wonderful years. He was incredibly intelligent, easy to train, impossible to tire util he was about 10 and easily bored so he fair kept us all on our toes, and he was the most amazing stressbuster. I just had to lie on the couch and he'd some up for a snuggle and within minutes we were both out for the count.

He was pts in 2015. I haven't had a dog since and won't have one until I know what's happening with my move to Spain.

This photo of Oscar was taken at Christmas - Mrs O did the photoshopping - when he was about 12 but as a youngster there was no black about his muzzle, which to me made him all the more handsome.

Oscar rudi.jpg
Never had a dog until I met my other half. Eventually got a cockapoo who has literally taken over our lives. A more loyal,lovable, affectionate and hilarious companion you will not find. He makes us smile and brightens our day with his antics. He's 12 now but only slightly slowing down. Also the ladies love him and folk who would walk past me normally smile and chat. Wish I'd known what a baby puller a cute doggie is.����
Harry a big black Tom of a cat, supposed to be the quiet one in the litter. He talked. Seriously, you could have a conversation with him. Loved Caramac chocolate, crisps but not salt and vinegar, cheese, my Mum's pastry which he would steal if she turned her back, and a number of other things not normally associated with cats. He would sit in front of the tele, semi blocking the view, when football and snooker on and chase the balls across the screen. He wasn't nasty but would go for anything bigger than him which was basically dogs. The only 'thing' he was afraid of was the 'dustbin men' and would go mental when heard the 'cart' coming, and then act the big I am once it had gone past the house. Loved a cuddle, would lie down with me on the sofa as soon as I took the position. Mum and Dad had their chairs, Harry would jump into Dad's as soon as he stood up for anything, it was a running joke. Dad went into hospital with cancer and was there for a month. Harry not once sat in Dad's chair. Not once. The day we bought Dad home, Harry was sitting in his chair when we opened the lounge door. He was always waiting for me at the front door when I came home, after both Mum and Dad has passed. One day he wasn't there. I tried everything to find him. I was absolutely devastated. He was only 7 and a half. I never found out what happened to him.

Scully, a Hovis coloured cat who was tiny, and had one pupil which wouldn't open. Never made a sound until Mulder was killed when they were both 2 and a bit. Then for the smallest thing you've ever seen, boy could she make a noise. Loved a cuddle , followed me everywhere. Literally. Hated everyone except me and the ex for some strange reason. When happy would dribble like Aloe Vera coming out the side of her mouth, it was disgusting! Despite her eye issues a profilic bird and mouse catcher who she would of course bring home and torment for hours if allowed to. When we lived in Newmarket one day she bought home 9 mice, 6 were waiting for me on the patio when I came home. Would literally scream the place down if had to go in the vets/be near other cats. ( I also had Blue when she and Mulder were young and she loved Blue, who was killed at 7 months ish, didnt get on with Mulder but had been with them both obviously) One day, after being in the vets with a stomach issue, the vet called me and said could I come and get her early as she was unsettled. I could hear her screaming in the background of the call. She stopped the second she saw me in the reception. She lived to be 19 and a half. Towards the end she was not great but was managing and I couldn't face making the decision, knowing that she hated the car/vets etc and I didn't do the right thing by her, which I still struggle with. One day I came home and she wasn't there.

I miss both of them ridiculously.

I don't have a digital pic of Harry - he went missing nearly 30 years ago, (I'll try and upload one ) but this is Scully, which makes her look bigger than she was.
Scully 21.12.12.JPG
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There’s nothing worse than a cat just disappearing. It’s one reason why I don’t have cats any more. I tried to have house cats but it never seemed right. The first cat I had as an adult disappeared. I was distraught. Lost weight, couldn’t sleep. Years later my ex was at the vets and an old lady sat next to him had a tabby cat that looked just like Oscar ( he had very distinctive markings). It turned out he’d gone to live in someone’s garden a few streets away. Didn’t get on with that persons other cats and he rehomed him with this lady who lived mikes away. She was going into a home so gave him back to us. He hated our other cats, hated the children, hated the dog. He always loved other tabby cats. We had lived in several student houses with him and he’d always find a tabby pal that he would bring back to play with. He did, at least, when we got him back, find another tabby friend and they used to lie in the garden together. These days, with Facebook etc it’s easier to locate your cat if it disappears; sometimes it’s, sadly, it’s often fatality but they do seem to have other homes. I feel guilt over every pet I’ve ever had; have always let them down in some way, but it has never been from not loving them.
I sahred a cigar (sausage) with my son's Colie, Pawdie Woofington, on Christmas Eve. Normally I am dog averse, but I like Pawdie. Yearling, 80% sheep.

Many years ago (about 65!!) we had a cat which my brother, sister and I adored. Well, we moved from our slum of a terraced house to a brand new council flat But on the day of the sign of our cat! We, obviously, had to move and for a couple of weeks my dad returned each day to look for our lovely moggy. No luck! We`d moved a couple of miles away and after a month or so who turned up on our doorstep (and we were on the third floor) was our adorable moggy! Incredible!
Many years ago (about 65!!) we had a cat which my brother, sister and I adored. Well, we moved from our slum of a terraced house to a brand new council flat But on the day of the sign of our cat! We, obviously, had to move and for a couple of weeks my dad returned each day to look for our lovely moggy. No luck! We`d moved a couple of miles away and after a month or so who turned up on our doorstep (and we were on the third floor) was our adorable moggy! Incredible!

That's magic, DD
I'm not healthy enough these days to have a dog and my garden is like a nature reserve.
Nearly all my dogs were collie types.loved them.
Now cats are a law to themselves and you dont own a cat,they own you.if they want to leave they leave.
I've got a cat flap and cats have come and gone at different times.never actually owned 1.i did have one adopt me and he went blind but seemed to manage then one night there was a bitter frost and it was that night it decided to go out.
I found it the next morning curled up in a box.i dont know if that was the reason but a couple of weeks later I had to have it put down.(vets advice).
Another couple of cats would come in at night as I used to leave some cat food down and then after a few months the one moved in.
Then after about a month someone from up the street whom I didnt know (hes only lived here 16yrs) came and claimed him.
A few weeks went past and the cat come back for 3 nights and then the woman came and fetched him back.she didnt seem to
I expect it will come again.
I also like feeding the birds and the hedgehogs.i bought a hedgehog house and within 2 days one moved in and now is hibernating outside my back door.