The Moving Race Pantomime 2010-11

I find Stodge's post bizarre to read and is clearly related to previously held thoughts on various things, such as NH, the crowd at Newbury etc.

Nothing for anyone to be even mildly upset or paranoid about.
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The only thing to be upset at is the race time. Having the race run is a relief for racing fans. We want to see Binocular V Peddlers Cross and I can' t wait for the race.
Surely the weather is the reason the unusual course has been taken of bringing the race down south ? With a more clement forecast I am sure it would have been at Wetherby next weekend.
I'm not sure any of us suffer from paranoia, but I think we British might get a bit irritated by a shotgun rant about losing our racing's heritage, the BHA being ruled by well-heeled toffs, the rich snooty south always bossing the poor working-class north, yadda-yadda. It's just a matter of re-staging a race in order to keep it to timetable and beat the weather, which is scheduled to be distinctly winterlike, especially in the north, for the next 9 days or so. There are some horses specifically prepped for this race at this time, as Cantoris has mentioned, rather than twiddling their hooves until the weather allows the race to happen at its usual venue. And as BINOCULAR has been heavily invested in by punters, perhaps they'd prefer to see him run when planned, rather than see him run in one, two, or however many weeks' time at Newcastle when/if the snow's melted. (Arders - why would Wetherby be exempted by the snow forecast?) If they wait out a race, chances are half the runners will have lost their peak for it, and then early punters might have a just case to be furious if they do their dough.

Just an hour to go now, and then we can all settle down!
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My first chance to respond to some of the quite high-handed comments on here in response to my deliberately provocative outburst the other day. In addition, having heard Alan Lee's comments on ATR yesterday afternoon, I'm more convinced than ever that the decision to move the Fighting Fifth to Newbury was less a conscious decision by the BHA and more the active lobbying of a powerful trainer whose interest was undoubtedly served (though less so as it turned out) by the race being moved.

I've no problem with Nicky Henderson - I've made money from backing his horses in the past - and nor do I have any problem with him trying to secure the best deal for his owners and his horses. After all, that's why they pay him.

Nor, and I seriously resent the inference from Hamm, do I have a problem with Newbury. I have stated that Hennessy Gold Cup is a fine day with a fine card. My contention is that adding the Fighting Fifth would not have put another person on the crowd.

The BHA, it now appears, wanted to run the race at Wetherby on Saturday coming and this would have been far and away the best decision. However, they took the view (and I can understand why) that the current cold spell would be so severe and long-lasting as to make that option unworkable.

Fair enough, but why not then make some effort to give the race a chance of survival ? A magnaminous gensture could have seen Newbury lend their frost covers to Wetherby in the same way as perhaps paying for ORSIPPUS to come to Newbury would have been seen as a fair and sporting gesture.

I'm NOT against the rescheduling of races though I think the argument for moving anything other than Grade 1 and the top Grade 3 handicaps is far from convincing. In the absence of the Irish option to move whole cards, there needs to be a clear yet flexible process for determining the circumstances under which races are moved.

Had Newcastle been waterlogged rather than snowbound or had the cold spell been clearly set to end, the option of a reschedule to Wetherby would have been valid. As has been stated elsewhere, had Newbury been snowbound and Newcastle raceable on Saturday, would the Hennessy have been moved to the north-east ?

The current arrangements, while lauded by many, are far from transparent and far from consistent and of course the British weather will always dictate matters. The Tingle Creek on Saturday is looking far from secure but what are the options - a transfer to Cheltenham on the following Friday or Saturday will probably be the case but why not run it at Lingfield on the following Saturday or at Huntingdon on the Thursday ?

In any case, the guiding principles should be:

1) As far as possible, the race should be run in the same geographical area as planned.

2) ALL connections of horses entered should have the opportunity to run at the rescheduled venue with transport costs paid if required.

3) The rescheduling plan should be announced as soon as possible after the host course gives up the race.

I'm also annoyed at the conduct of some on here (including so-called "senior members") who refuse to engage in debate and seem more interested in a cynical off-hand insultiung response.

Twas ever thus....:p
Sounds like you feel your in a police station after a drunken night out, Stodge.

We've all been there bud....:blink:(wink).
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Bar Dundalk, there must be little chance of racing taking place in Ireland even this weekend given the forecast.
Stodge, this brief reply doesnt do your post justice but surely you must understand the pattern (even in jumps) must come first, and delaying the race was a waste of time as it may have stopped some of the horses turning up in either the Boylesports or the xmas hurdle.

A great effort and decision by the BHA, and glad they were for once so on the ball.
Whenever ive gone racing up north its all sprints followed by more sprints. Its down the attention span which doesnt last long enough for decent NH racing. Thats down to the bad breeding, too much time down the mines and eating too many pies. Its a social problem
I like stodge's point about if Newbury had been snowed off.There isn't/wasn't a cat in hell's chance that the Hennesey would have been moved to Newcastle if they had been raceable so I can see where he is coming from in that respect.
Whenever ive gone racing up north its all sprints followed by more sprints. Its down the attention span which doesnt last long enough for decent NH racing. Thats down to the bad breeding, too much time down the mines and eating too many pies. Its a social problem

:lol: Yeah,about 25 years ago!! And yes,I've eaten all of them:p
Stodge, this brief reply doesnt do your post justice but surely you must understand the pattern (even in jumps) must come first, and delaying the race was a waste of time as it may have stopped some of the horses turning up in either the Boylesports or the xmas hurdle.

A great effort and decision by the BHA, and glad they were for once so on the ball.

A gracious response and accepted in the spirit it's been offered.

If I've offended you, please accept my apologies. I'm happy to agree to disagree on this one. The response of the BHA to the (likely) loss of the Tingle Creek will be informative.