i got to be careful now not to write in paragraphs
Slim is a prickly chap and is very suspicious by nature..when you see what has happened in the past on here you can't blame him.
I'd like you to keep posting though...because i think that if every time someone new comes along we automatically think they are a previous encumbent then we are never going to get new people posting...Gigilo had some right stick when he first came here...not from me by the way.
Was Kalahari Kingdom a pick partly because he was a gelding by the way?
Hi EC1
I popped in yesterday to turn off some switches on my account so that I no longer received notifications when anyone posts on either of the two threads that I started. I noticed your post. I was undecided as to whether I should ignore or respond. I decided to sleep on it and this morning decided to respond, given that you had been good enough to post.
It wasn’t Slim’s mouth that concerned me. It was his brain, I’m afraid. Hiis analytical ability is hapless.
Based on my use of paragraphs and the fact that I repeated myself once, he decided that I was someone else. Had he decided that I was someone else based on word frequency usage, then I would have been impressed. To base it on my use of paragraphs and the fact that I repeated myself once is pitiful.
He also claimed that there is no value to be had on Betfair from 2 minutes before the off to the off. Quite why he believes this I know not because some simple maths will prove him wrong. My fear is that it will take from here to eternity to convince him that he’s wrong and, quite frankly, I neither have the time, the energy nor the inclination.
When he read my posts, he usually misinterpreted them. Quite why, I have no idea.
He also posted: ‘Sorry. I can't read drivel for more than 6 lines’ in response to one of my posts. How childish and how rude.
I could go on, but I’ll desist to save him further embarrassment. If he isn’t embarrassed, then I’ll be embarrassed on his behalf.
Here’s where I’m at:
I have a successful system. However, people keep telling me that the betting landscape is changing and will change more and faster in the future. I’m not sure but, just in case I’m wrong, I want a system or two sat in the wings ready to switch on should they be needed. Unfortunately, I’m fresh out of ideas and need to interact with others with new ideas in order to develop some new systems. That’s why I came here. I hoped that we could benefit from each other. I was willing to share and I have. I also posted my unfiltered system selections not so that you guys could use it but so that you had proof that I could walk the walk.
Sadly, Slim is supported by others. I can only assume that their analytical abilities are similar to Slim’s.
It’s difficult enough to create a winning system, given how corrupt the sport is. However, with Slim and his supporters to contend with, it would be an impossible task.
I’m sure that there are others on this forum that are not of Slim’s ilk. To those I would say that it’s a great pity that we didn’t get to chat.
EC, I agree with you. If attitudes on this forum don’t change, then it will stagnate and die.
This really will be my last post. I’m off.