The Solwhit Would Have Finished Second Thread...

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I am more than happy to congratulate those who have a view massively opposite to mine (Granger, Luke last year with SE). Same today. It's all about the fun of debating for me.

However, Bobbyjo, you are a dickhead and this place would be much better off without you. This must be the worst idea for a thread since this place started.
You give it, you take it.....I didn't realise you were soft like Starluck.

Anyway, I don't care what you say about me. I love the hint of danger that emenates from your posts. I'm often wrong. Today, you were wrong. I don't mind being told when I am. Let's all hug.
If everytime someone was wrong (which anyone will tell you I am more than happy to be) someone started a thread like this, this place would cease to exist. You are an embecile, and it says a lot that this is your most significant contribution in years.

What are you on about re danger?

I am more than happy to be wrong, and happy Granger, Grasshopper, Stamp etc were right. For me, this place is all about taking a position on a debate, learning from it etc. I have no idea what motivates you. Shame you just couldn't enjoy a terrific Champion Hurdle performance - I certainly did.
What on earth has happened to this forum?

You're a sound bloke but you only show up here after an Irish winner in a big race. You would be entitled too if you had been championing Hurricane Fly all year but you didn't. It's no different from the tri-colour waving in the winner enclosure. The horse was Irish, who cares.
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i said I wouldn't run him..not he shouldn't run in it..and don't forget..the fav didn't run..which made it an easier race..we all agreed it took the edge of it

but...i tell you what... if you think this thread is so good..i feel sorry for you mate..its a sad sneering betting shop moron mentality thread imo

if the general consensus is that we devote threads to sneering at people who get it wrong..i've definately done on here and i urge anyone who lurks never to post here IF this is the sad mentality prevalent here

I think i was more than humble in admitting i was wrong..but to highlight mine and others misjudgement like this is way out of order

you can all bollox if this is what is going to happen when an "outsider" gets it wrong

I was with you on HF and you said as I did I would skip this and pot pick at Punchestown. EC1 you are as gracious in defeat as as humble in victory - you were one of the first on to congrat Grass, Euro, IS etc... others sneering at other forumites is just not on!!
Well done to all on The fly, fantastic winner, but this thread shows why I will remain a lurker on this board.
I went for Hurricane Fly at the start Gearoid [and then wavered throughout the year], the Champion Hurdle thread is all I've been contributing to recently, mainly the slagging of Solwhit which was senseless. It's hard to turn up and take part here when a lot of discussions descend into anarchy. It's just not fun any more. Look at the reaction to a joke thread!
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Er... there is a festival on at Cheltenham guys. Can I suggest you all refocus your efforts on the bookies?
The forum can be great fun BJ but the Champion Hurdle thread was always going to have massive winners and losers. No need to rub it it. The Sowlit crew were bang on and Davey Russel anyone that would listen that HF was a gnod thing. I disagreed and got it wrong but fuck me what a race. I still got a buzz nut of it.
The forum can be great fun BJ but the Champion Hurdle thread was always going to have massive winners and losers. No need to rub it it. The Sowlit crew were bang on and Davey Russel anyone that would listen that HF was a gnod thing. I disagreed and got it wrong but fuck me what a race. I still got a buzz nut of it.

Well said and defused.. Let's all get over ourselves and get on with the rest of the year.
I was never in the HF fan club but I honestly felt some of the arguements against him were spurious.Flat,hurdles or fences past,present or future Solwhit is,was and will be a better horse then Starluck.
For the record -I backed HF once and managed to lay him about 8 times.
Look, just to clarify, I have no problem being wrong after taking a strong stance. Luke would even say I emailed him to say well done straight after Sizing Europe's win last year.

I think Gearoid's post sums things up. If everytime someone was wrong it was rubbed in, the forum would be finished in days. Lets hope Bobbyjo either turns into a useful contributor or disappears for good.
In fairness Hamm did email me straight after last years Arkle.
I would also say that Bobbyjo is worth listening to -even though he tends to concentrate on Cheltenham and Punchestown.
Gearoid's right - rarely does Bobbyjo post something yet when he does it's invariably to sneer at someone or wave his dick in public when the Irish have a winner at Cheltenham. It's infantile, like this thread.
I would happily have anyone who brings an Irish flag to cheltenham banned for life.

On that subject, I was watching the RTE coverage today (no other option) and whilst parts are interspersed with Channel 4, the rest looks at races almost exclusively from an Irish viewpoint, even if the Irish horse doesn't deserve anywhere near enough attention - does this not mean complaints or are the general public happy with it being presented in a nationalistic sense?
Look look we talk about 'nationlistic' irish cheltenham celebrations as if they are celebrating war or something. How many of these people were ever involved in these things, most are probably migrants who are living in fucking switzerland . I wonder how many people blown up by IRA bombs or killed on bloody Sunday are waving the flags as if they are army generals.

As for this debate, imo it must be harsh on hamm but he's come out with diginity. I know my old sparing partner Grasshopper will come on and be gracious, he usually is after a decent win.:) It was a hot race Hurricane Run showed he's as stern as they come, Oscar Whisky is one for the future imo still oads of improvement left in the tank. All in all connections will look back in a few weeks time and be chuffed with that run from Oscar Whisky.
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I had a nice evening tonight..went for a few drinks, had some chat with real people. I hope everyone else did. If I wanted to get wound up, I would perhaps watch some Irish current affairs shows, read Vanity Fair or get some perspective by turning on Sky News and CNN...

And then this!! Seriously, the only good thing about this is that I've got private messages from sensible forum members who long since stopped posting. It's good to know they're still reading. It's good to know they can tell the difference between a wind-up on an internet forum and a genuine assault on somebody's character. The vast majority of posts on this message board now are from people with bi-polar personalities who are just as likely to post a reasonable well thought out argument one minute [like Hamm's Ryanair Chase price post] and then, the next, make the kind of over the top, edge of the bridge statement that would be used as evidence when a Columbine style massacre is perpetrated.

At least I haven't made the mistake of giving anyone my phone number this time...
Oh, and might I add, I'd be perfectly happy for moderators to lock/delete this thread if they deem it appropriate...
You are now making psychological conclusions because near everyone thinks you've made a bit of a fool of yourself?

Before I checked the forum yesterday there were numerous messages of people saying they are fed up of the forum because of people like you and threads like this - that seems perfectly reasonable to me.

This thread really should have been deleted at some point yesterday.
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