Colin Phillips
Dormant account
DAWN APPROACH at The Curragh last year.
This story about the pattern may be of some interest to flatties. Interested to see that the Group1 status of the French 2000 Guineas is being monitored; it is not at risk of immediate downgrade though.
It mentions that four Group 1 races are being monitored, any idea what the other three are?
The pattern was only introduced in the early 70's. The early season classics still have a great deal of cachet, although it is increasingly true that the end of season races are growing in stature.
Amazed to see the Poulains so low, but look at the winners this century and you will see why:
2000 Bachir
2001 Vahorimix
2002 Landseer
2003 Clodovil
2004 American Post
2005 Shamardal
2006 Aussie Rules
2007 Astronomer Royal
2008 Falco
2009 Silver Frost
2010 Lope de Vega
2011 Tin Horse
2012 Lucayan
The pattern of British racing was established aeons before it became an official title, and was designed for young horses to gradually step up in trip as they matured.
Condensing that pattern to where both 6 & 7f gp1's for colts are run on the same day is alien to its purpose.
Prospects for the Curragh tomorrow,, anyone?
the hype around Leonardo da Vinci in1978 in Wood Ditton Stakes and White Rose Stks in 78.
It is not all that long since the Flat started with the Lincoln , the week after was Aintree or Easter ( with a once excellent meeting at Kempton on the Monday ) , then the Ascot Guineas Trial meeting, then the Craven and Newbury .
The problem now is the gap - Ireland's flat season manages to start with better racing - there is no reason why ours cannot be improved .
Putting the Craven meeting back to 3 days putting it on terrestrial TV and returning it in real terms to 1980s values would be a good start - a Free Hcap with £80,000 to the winner would be a proper target .