The Today's Fancy Thread

You would have been better off killing yourself than spending your time with such a Killjoy analysis. We are all big boys and girls on the forum and are savvy enough to work out the clued in from the clueless on the thread. I'm 1/66 to name the four most losing tipsters.
Go for it. I bet (when Barry finishes) you will be well out!
I've ejaculated 124 times this year and produced no children. Would the world and I be better off if I had not bothered at all?
It wouldn't have made any difference, Gearoid, as you have to have a woman to play with if you're risking having babbies. Otherwise, it's just known as playing with yourself. Or, as my sainted Mammy would say, "Amusing himself by abusing himself".

Me today: "Ohhh, I just love BEAVER PATROL."

Jason Weaver: "Don't we all!"