The Trump Thread


At the Start
Jun 6, 2005
Let me tell you
This one ain't gonna go away folks,
Trust me
All the other threads on this site have been disasters
I mean disasters,
Have you seen them? Yeah, real disasters folks
Not good ... not good
What we need to do is build new threads
The best threads
Amazing threads
You'll love them
They'll be the best threads ever.
This is gonna be a big, beautiful thread
It'll be wonderous thing

So I thought that perhaps the Donald (since he looks like being around for a bit now) deserves his own thread to chart his road towards making America great again

Twelve months ago I first said I thought he was going to win the Presidency (I thought he'd win the nomination as early as December). Now I confess that a combination of his apparent attempts to throw the election around June, allied with the sheer volume of contrary opinion I was hearing from Americans, persuaded me to revise this view about then. I lost the faith, and perhaps should have stuck to my original hypothesis which was in fact heavily dependent on the observation that America is an hysterical, low information voting population, with a deep ugly seam running through it socially. Believe me, I wish I'd held my January position - if only because I'd have been able stand alongside Ann Coulter as a political titan of our age and claim the bragging rights. Sadly I bottled out, but I at least got nearer than most

Now it's time to open the floor for the predictions again, and I have to say, right now anything seems possible

Over to you the people
I'm giving you your thread back
Drain the forum
It starts here
It starts now
I'm gonna open up with NATO/ Russia and Islam as its a continuation of a view I've expressed before and nothing I've seen or heard since has given me cause to think Trump won't go down this route, what I'm less certain of is just how deep he's prepared to go

Trump has been wildly inconsistent in many policy areas. A couple of areas where he has held to a position however is ISIS and China

Now you can argue about ISIS and Islam. We'll doubtless see this play out. The two are different, but the degree to which Trump is prepared to separate them is unknown.

Trump has repeatedly called for a re-evaluation of NATO. In corporate speak, he wants to change the job description. Only last week he described NATO again as "obsolete". Now I don't believe its helpful to disect Trump word for word and search for subtle interpretations. He often seems to say what comes into his mind, and he also has limited a vocabulary. It's probably more helpful to take him on the balance of his tone and sentiment. In this case though, "obsolete" needn't mean redundant. I actually have some sympathy for him here. Trump is preparing to give NATO a 21st century remit more benefiting perhaps of today's threat analysis and risk assessment. That means 'radical islamic terrorism', China, and North Korea

It's also becoming more and more apparent to me that despite the military industrial complex's best intents to nuture a bogeyman that can be used to justify massive defence expenditure, propagated through various nefarious congressional relationships between lawmakers and corporates, one of the best ways of reducing defence spending is to bring the enemy in. This is where Russia comes in

Despite the narrative sweeping America that Trump is "Putins puppet", I actually think Trump holds the strong cards in this relationship, and he's no puppet at all. What he is instead is someone who broadly holds similar views to Putin which the American media are interpreting as a puppet because the whole idea that he could is so alien to them that they can't otherwise explain it.

Ever since he got burned in the late 80's property crash, Trump has learnt the merits of taking risks through third parties. A massive part of his own business model now is based on licensing his name whilst others put the money up. What Trump therefore needs to really go after ISIS, and perhaps even the snakes head of ISIS, is a capable military partner who possesses both means and motive. Trump wants someone who'll deliver the knock blows on the ground and take the risks of providing the target practise for any resistance that it meets. Clearly he's got little faith in the European members of NATO to do this. Indeed, why would they. The only thing they'd likely succeed in doing is setting off widespread domestic disturbances on their own streets. Russia is his logical partner to take some of these risks, but what will they ask for in return? Who knows?

The lifting of sanctions would be an obvious starting point. You'd think Trump would agree that. A welcome back into the international community? I suspect Trump would facilitate that too. A blind eye to the Ukraine? Possibly, Trump's on record as saying he doesn't care much for the Ukraine "I don’t like what’s happening with Ukraine. But that’s really a problem that affects Europe a lot more than it affects us." and Ukraine's memebrship of NATO "I wouldn’t care. If [Ukraine] goes in, great. If it doesn’t go in, great". What about the Baltic states though? Perhaps a bit of sabre rattling to loosen Europe's purse strings? who knows

I therefore see an early summit meeting with Russia (probably under the cloak of something altogether more acceptable like missile reduction talks) that is in actual fact laying out the terms for a deal to begin a joint initiative against the Islamic State at the very least. But what about wider Islamism? The snakes head of Islamic terror? We are of course talking about a man who praised Saddam Hussein for his ability to control Islamism. He's also said that one of the biggest errors of Iraq campaign was the failure "to take their oil". Trump understands real estate acquisitions and there are two very tempting targets who both fund Islamic terror, and both sit on substantive oil reserves. Russia would represent a risk to such an enterprise, but what if Russia were a shareholder? Dare he be thinking these sorts of terms?

In his first national security briefing Trump was reported as having asked on three occasions about the impact of using nuclear weapons in the middle east. Three times!

Well one thing that no one has ever accussed Donald Trump of is lacking ambition. Similarly, few people have ever suggested that Putin is confined by compassion and morality. It just seems too incredulous, but it might worth trying to monitor any drawback of US interests (airbases, personnel, or corporates) in the coming months/ years. Remember the sea withdraws before a tsunami wave hits

So to summarise, Russia will be given one take it or leave it chance to become an American sub-contractor as a part of new global defence federation to replace NATO, which will in turn be given a new mission. The full fire of this will be turned onto Islamic terror. How far this arm reaches is anyone's guess, but I believe it would be a mistake to think that the traditional of excuse of we can't be responsible for our private citizens, we're doing our best will satisfy Donald Trump. If your best ain't good enough, we'll come and do it for you, now go and try harder and lets see how much better you become suddenly at rooting out your sympathisers and funders
Trade seems to be other area we can expect fireworks. This one looks easier to predict

TPP - is dead, expect to see Trump pull the US out and the other signatories to proceed

TTIP - also looks to be dead, expect to see Trump pull out and the framework to be used as the opening position for a bi-lateral UK agreement

China - Will Trump impose his 35% tariff? Not straight-away, but otherwise yes when he feels it appropriate to do so. China will retaliate as they did when H Bush did something similar in the early 90's before Clinton reversed it as America exporters began losing market share. This one probably links to the South China Sea dispute too, and I'd expect to see the temperature getting turned up there. Expect America to continue making overtures to India in this direction as they become the major ally in the south Asia sphere. India has traditionally aligned a little bit more with Russia, although they did chair the NAM. Pakistan and China present them regional challenges, suddenly they find themselves sharing American aspirations and 'values' and I expect to see this relationship begin to prosper under Trump. He has Nikki Haley at the UN of course too

NAFTA - I'm going to suggest this won't collapse completely as America probably has Canada over a barrel. Having said that, Canada is clearly taking steps to diversity their dependency the best they can. This treaty will be renegotiated in such a way that the signatories might just walk away from it saying its become so one sided that it no longer justifies participating in. Wouldn't be shocked to see this end up as a US and Canada bi-lateral though

Paris Climate Change - I'm not so sure this one doesn't represent the biggest challenge of the lot. The French have indicated that they'll call for a global tariff on American exports if Trumps rips it up in order to restore the equilibrium. This probably forces the EU into a trade war. Expect the UK to try and sit on the fence. This could get really heated yet, and there's more support in the US for Paris then a lot of the other treaties

Overall I can see Trump setting off quite a few trade wars that are going to increasingly look like America versus the world. My big fear is that Trump will see the American military as an extension of his negotiating hand, especially if he begins losing (which he should do if he thinks he's going to be able to produce goods and services with American overheads in them, and also on top of any tariffs he's facing). Quite what that means though in terms of an action who knows?

Trump will succeed in whipping up a patriotic fever in America and putting trade onto a quasi war footing. Whether the American consumer has the money to continue buying at domestic prices however remains to be seen. At the very least we should see a wage price spiral in the medium term as inflation returns

I don't think Trump minds going in this direction, and will do so if he thinks he can win. For him global politics isn't about collaboration and partnership. He sees it through the prism of competition and winning. For him this is a zero sum game. He's basically going to transfer his corporate world view into his administration. He isn't bothered in building up the holiday resort, he's only interested in ensuring that his hotel is the biggest one in town, and if that means closing other hotels down, that's what he'll do. This is his mindset I believe, always has been, and always will be. He knows no different, and so far at least, its served him well. Organisations like the EU therefore, he'll see as a competitor and rival, and not as a partner. I expect him to try and squeeze and squeeze as much as he can to stir discontent there, even using Russia to apply pressure in a dirty tricks game
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Have you heard about Peter Thiel? Paypal owner, on Trump's team and this **** pays $40k a quarter to get the blood of an 18yo injected into him in order to prevent aging.

See that's an example of why the Tax system is so unfair. These type c.unts should be taxed to the hilt on anything over an amount that one could make a comfortable life with.
Have you heard about Peter Thiel? Paypal owner, on Trump's team and this **** pays $40k a quarter to get the blood of an 18yo injected into him in order to prevent aging.

See that's an example of why the Tax system is so unfair. These type c.unts should be taxed to the hilt on anything over an amount that one could make a comfortable life with.

Did he get his money legitimately and does PayPal benefit millions of small businesses? If the answer to both is yes than I don't see why his fortune is a problem.
Some bird on CNN now complaining that Trump hasn't done enough for women. Jesus ******* wept its Day one.
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You're not Donald TRump you're Alec Baldwin:cool:

This one is for real

“Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart —you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world—it’s true!—but when you’re a conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged—but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what’s going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?), but when you look at what’s going on with the four prisoners—now it used to be three, now it’s four—but when it was three and even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us.”
Funny you should mention 1984, I was only thinking last night how much some of the Trump/ (and Theresa May) world view is beginning to resemble it.

In fairness, the UK government's snoopers charter more resembles the television screens of big brother that watch you. The government can now take over your webcam to monitor you, or activate your portable device. I tend to sign up to Edward Snowden

"Arguing that you don't care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say"

Trumps contracdictory policy positions are the absolute epitomy of "doublethink" - (though it needs to be acknowledged that Hillary is the one who was caught out saying that you need to have a public and private position on policy). Trump just has all sorts of different public positions allowing you to pick the bits you like.

"War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength"

A Trump rally began to look like the daily "two minute hate" - with Hillary cast as Goldstein - lock her up etc

"Airstrip one" is actually on the tip of Oceania which just happens to have the UK allied with America against their global foe Eurasia (which happesn to be continental Europe and beyond)

"Thoughtcrime" is of course prevalent in the Trump base and leads nicely into "black is white" as fake news; with fake news itself being an industry of selective editing of the past to control the future. "He who controls the past controls the future. He controls the present controls the past"

Newspeak has to be Trumps Twitter rants

The anti sex league America's religious extremists

I haven't quite worked out what Room 101 is yet, or that rat in cage

I'd like to say Julia being a "rebel from the waist down" is a nod to Trump the pussy grabber but that's probably going to far

Far from being a socialist dystopia that has corrupted itself, its actually democratic decadence begining to abuse itself. I'm not sure there aren't traces of Polybius in here somewhere as masses turn in on themselves and achieve tyranny. Not convinced mind you, despite some of the echoes in his inagruation speech. My suspicion is that 'What's the Matter with Kansas' is more likely to be correct where a poorly informed electorate can be led into voting against their own economic interests, and contract the responsibility to oppress to an elite.

“For decades, Americans have experienced a populist uprising that only benefits the people it is supposed to be targeting.... The angry workers, mighty in their numbers, are marching irresistibly against the arrogant. They are shaking their fists at the sons of privilege. They are laughing at the dainty affectations of the Leawoof toffs. They are massing at the gates of Mission Hills, hoisting the black flag, and while the millionaires tremble in their mansions, they are bellowing out their terrifying demands. 'We are here,' they scream, 'to cut your taxes.”

or as Orwell would say, "perpetual war"

"The war is waged by each ruling group against its own subjects, and the object of the war is not to make or prevent conquests of territory, but to keep the structure of society intact. The very word "war," therefore, has become misleading....the three superstates, instead of fighting one another, should agree to live in perpetual peace, each inviolate within its own boundaries ... the vast majority of Party members understand it only in a shallower sense this is the inner meaning of the Party slogan: War is Peace.”
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In other news, Trump appears to have engaged in his first foreign policy move and has declined to participate in the Syrian peace talks, effectively handing it over to Russia, Syria, Iran, and Turkey to carve up

At face value a quite brutal decision you might say given that America has been actively extending the war by arming some highly questionable 'moderate rebels'. They've also been more than happy to try and cast Russia in the role of villian

Personally I'm not so sure it isn't the right play (however unprincipled it appears)

Resolving the issue of the Kurdish held territory was going to be a seriously hot potato. Now he's ducked it. Any peace deal and settlement has to address rebuilding at some stage. With the arab gulf states not playing, Trump is basically passing it over to Iran and Russia to sort out. It also allows him to maintain sanctions against Putin with the view to extracting a bigger price at a later date for their removal rather than having participation in this particular 'no win' situation being rolled into them
Found some interesting ****…some screenshot of the real crowd not taken 2 hours before the speech but during it

Two screenshots which show people who couldn’t get in: thousand to the right of photo

The crowd grew significantly just as the event began. Yes, this was mostly due to the crowd being intentionally delayed image-of-crowd-during-trump-inauguration-speech-confirms-sean-spicer- correct/

Fake News media spread this comparison (Obama inauguration vs Trump inauguration):

You might have seen the PBS timelapse video:

That video is Fake News!

They suggest (“We’ve created a time lapse of 7 hours of footage on the mall, from the beginning of the morning through Donald Trump’s inauguration.”) a full time-lapse in that clip…it is not.

You can actually see the edit (cross fade) clearly (at 0:46). They intentionally cut the footage which shows the biggest crowd.

Here’s the edit (cross fade): P.S.:

Here are videos/pictures which show Liberals blocking security checkpoints: ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw^tfw^tfw^tfw w=632&^tfw^tfw

“Black Lives Matter and other groups forced the shutdown early Friday morning of at least two inauguration security checkpoints, including the one where Sollars said she was attacked — as demonstrators followed through on threats to disrupt President-elect Donald Trump’s inaugural ceremonies. The Black Lives Matter protesters at first started chaining themselves to fences in front of a checkpoint near the Capitol, after which the Secret Service closed the gates and shut down the entrance.

“We are here to let people know this presidency is not legit. It goes against hundreds of years of democracy — black lives matter,” BLM DC’s Tracye Redd told

At one point, the activists repeated the cry, “Shut it down!”

Officers afterward directed spectators to other entrances, though both checkpoints were later reopened. The efforts were part of an operation apparently under the umbrella of DisruptJ20, which vowed to blockade and shut down security checkpoints” protests-turn-violent/?AID=7236
Well an interesting first week for President Trump then. I thought Thursday was the highlight

Trump - I'm building a wall
Nieto - I might not come to next weeks meeting
Trump - I might not come either then, just that I might not come better than you
Nieto - I'm not coming then
Trump - I'm going to impose 20% tariffs on your goods then

At which point the entire senior executive team at the State Department resign en masse!

Just another day at the office then
The state department story wa basically fake news. It's standard for that to happen.
Something ironic in Twitter being one of the tech companies that have filed a lawsuit against the immigration executive order.
There will be at least 1 assassination attempt within 12 months.

Already had one attempt to assassinate Trump by a nutjob who was jailed for a year for trying to grab a cops gun to shoot him.

Forecasting there will be other attempts is like forecasting the Champion Hurdle will be run on a Tuesday it always happens.

Finding a POTUS who hasn't had at least one attempt on his life is ear impossible

1 Presidents assassinated
1.1 Abraham Lincoln
1.2 James A. Garfield
1.3 William McKinley
1.4 John F. Kennedy
2 Assassination plots and attempts
2.1 Andrew Jackson
2.2 Abraham Lincoln
2.3 William Howard Taft
2.4 Theodore Roosevelt
2.5 Herbert Hoover
2.6 Franklin D. Roosevelt
2.7 Harry S. Truman
2.8 John F. Kennedy
2.9 Richard Nixon
2.10 Gerald Ford
2.11 Jimmy Carter
2.12 Ronald Reagan
2.13 George H.W. Bush
2.14 Bill Clinton
2.15 George W. Bush
2.16 Barack Obama
2.17 Donald Trump
3 Presidential deaths rumored to be assassinations
3.1 Zachary Taylor
3.2 Warren G. Harding

I hear even Yosser Hughes refused the job