These TV pundits

Singing Detective

At the Start
Jun 11, 2014
Don't know how many pundits are out in Brazil from BBC and ITV, but watching the coverage, apart from the background, it's no different to Match Of The Day analysis. So why aren't they in a studio in Salford or somewhere, don't see how the TV companies can justify sending them out there at our expense, at least in the case of BBC.

And another thing, whoever allowed Adrian Chiles to appear on ITV in shorts wants certifying.
I tape most of the games and just fast forward all the talking, or if not just switch it off and have a cuppa in between halfs............the pundits add absolutely no value
I think for both football and especially rugby Ireland (RTE) is miles ahead of BBC and ITV. Danny Murphy is hopeless, same Clarke Carlisle (one of the worst voices for commentating), Keown hopeless, Shearer must have something on someone in the BBC, and it says it all that the return of Hansen brings the quality of analysis up a level. Henry was very good, shame he had to go. Ferdinand has been better than I thought. Lee Dixon isn't bad but Chiles talks over all the analysts when he disagrees with their points.
Same in most sports isn't it? Broadcasters seem to think that ex professionals make the best pundits when it's rarely true. McEnroe in tennis about the only example of one who bucks the trend.

Racing is god awful. Fitzgerald and Carson sum it up.
Martin Brundle and David Coulthard are good examples of ex-pros who have excellent, analytical command of their sport, and a breezy, inclusive broadcasting style to boot.
Martin Brundle and David Coulthard are good examples of ex-pros who have excellent, analytical command of their sport, and a breezy, inclusive broadcasting style to boot.

Is that maybe because F1 is rather technical whereas everyone thinks they know more than the next with regards to football.?

English football is broadcasted better in Asia for example than in the UK, where the corporations force bland punditry down people's throats.
I have just a passing interest in rugby but find myself quite impressed with the analysis

Cricket lends itself to good analysis but weak links quickly get found out (bar botham perhaps).

F1? What fcking analysis is there to turning the key and putting the foot down?

Football is shocking though because they think "name" players have a brain. Bt sport use that guy with the high iq who played championship level and he is quite in a different league to the usual golfing backslapping blockheads . He's superb but doesn't get a look in
Matt Smith was excellent commentating on the gymnastics at L2012.

I've been saying the same as Granger for years. Because most people who watch football played it when they were young, even if it was just a street side-off, they think they know everything about it and can talk about it intelligently. There is one guy co-commentating on the world cup who is a refreshing change in that he tries to talk more about the technical side of it. He at least gives the impression he's studied the coaching side. (If he hasn't he's a decent con.)