Things I like ...


At the Start
Mar 1, 2008
We have a thread for ranting about pet hates, why not one for things we like or that make us feel good?

A nicely scented bath at just the right temperature;

Fresh bedlinen, still smelling of sunshine and breezes;

The first crocuses appearing in the local parks after a dreary winter;

Watching rooks fly between high buildings, tumbling and gliding on the air currents;

A good book;

Freshly mown grass;

A friendly greeting from a stranger;

A flask of hot chocolate on a cold day at the races;

Backing a long-shot.

I'm a simple soul ...
Please, miss, what does 'sunshine' mean?

I'd say pretty much all of those for me, too. Any funny, unexpected little thing - like a guy in the cafe I was in a week or so ago, getting up and doing a 'John Travolta' style jig as he and his friends were leaving. His girlfriend looked over at me and laughed, "He's doing that for you". He said, "That'll be £9.50, please," and I asked if he took cards. His mate looked over and said, "Cards? He'll take lunch vouchers!" Just a couple of minutes of spontaneous fun, but it made not just the day, but the week.

Good food and wine

Walks in the park


Kingfishers and blue tits

A greeting from a passer-by


An old fashioned English pub

The sea

Kauto Star :)
Fresh bedlinen after a hot bath,shaving and moisturising...

The whicker that Red gives me at breakfast time

My amazing friends texting me silly things when Im at work

Looking forward to Cheltenham !!!! (and all my HUGE priced winners that Im going to back)
And I know just which quarter of the Irish rugby team you're goggling at, you lustful wench!

When I'm racing, I also like finding a loo where the seat hasn't slid to one side, the door lock isn't missing, the bog roll's not on the floor, and the flush actually works.

A clear sky at night so I can see the stars

Making a profit at the Cheltenham Festival.
Picture nice weather, leaning over the gate, looking either at the current crop of foals (which will be difficult this year as there aren't any :p) or the current crop of Blue calves and dreaming those dreams...

You know, the one where one of those foals you're looking at turns out to be a precocious 2yo and gets a crack at the Coventry or Queen Mary...

Or the one where that nice heifer ends up beating everything else out of sight and ends up Breed Champion at Royal Bath & West.....

The sound of my little lad when he is in hysterics of laughter.

The sight and smell of freshly mucked out stables with new shavings in, all banked up nicely.

The first sighting of a swallow/housemartin in Spring.

Seeing my old cob going into contortions of sheer bliss when I find 'that itchy bit' and I then scratch away until my arms are numb.

Having no housework to do so I can spend all day outside.

Seeing my family in England on visits...... The returning home again! Added on to that, the welcoming noises I get from the horses when I'm back home too:D

The sight of a newly rolled field after winter.

The cattle when they are turned back out after the winter, makes rodeo bulls look tame.

Power hosing the yard.

I could carry on at this for hours but the sun is shining and I have no housework, happy days!:D
Going for walks on summer evenings
Summer BBQ's
Old Trafford on European nights
Fairyhouse evening meetings with no one there
A nice pint or 10 on a winter Saturday night
Helping the lads cut corn summer nights
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Absolutely! We are all, men and women alike, afflicted by a terribly small gene pool and try to compensate with humour and drinking too much :D
The quarter of me that has Irish genes doesn't just have Irish ones, it has Cork ones. I'm pleased to hear that we're jolly types, not dour, whiny creeps.