Things I like ...

I know, Shadz - I usually snarfle a half-doz at a time, although I love those cute 1/2-doz eggboxes. I put them into the eggs rack in the fridge and I always seem to think there's one more than there is! I think I'll just have to buy LOTS more boxes in future. The disappointment has recorded a 10.5 on the Ricked-up Scale!
The BP garage at Didcot - just off the A34 - sells Creme Eggs by the box, the size of the display boxes they sell from in shops. I haven't succumbed to the temptation yet!!
Mmmm... something yummy from one of our little local deli shops - a potato dog. Just ate the second one today for a sort of brunch. Slim sausagemeat made into a hot-dog size shape, coated in mashed spud, breadcrumbed, and baked. Really tasty!

Resorted to Cad's Fruit & Nut in lieu of cream eggs today. Will remedy that tomorrow, and probably see if they've got more pot-dogs in. A nicely-balanced diet, I say: equal portions of fat, starch, and sugar!
Me too, Walsy. Have you written to them to let them know? That always has some impact, or they will begin to think that they were right in closing that factory down because sales have dropped.

I was one of the first to stop buying tuna in protest at the attitude of the fisheries towards the wasteful methods of fishing that caused the deaths of thousands of dolphins. Everyone laughed at me, saying that sacrificing my little tuna sarnie wouldn't make much of a dent in John West or other companies, but gradually the school kids were drawn in and after 3 years "dolphin-friendly" fishing was instigated.

This is even more important because, not for the first time, an American company has taken over a thriving business for the name and dumped the workers at the first opportunity.

Besides, Galaxy and Lindt chocolate is much nicer than Cadbury's which has got very sugary (to my taste) over the last 10 years or so.
Mmmm... something yummy from one of our little local deli shops - a potato dog. Just ate the second one today for a sort of brunch. Slim sausagemeat made into a hot-dog size shape, coated in mashed spud, breadcrumbed, and baked. Really tasty!QUOTE]

That sounds terrific for a cold, wet day. Never seen them round here so will try making my own and let you know.
Afternoons when the internet filter is switched off at work. Bliss.

I do have to be very disciplined so that some work gets done, but we don't get unlimited replays of Cheltenham or YouTube every day.:D
They are really nice, redhead. At first I thought they were fried bananas, because they were slightly bendy - but I think that was just accidental.

Oh, but Cadbury were already going to dump the workers before the sell-out to Kraft, guys, so don't blame the Yanks! Cadbury hoped to let that little item slide forward and have Kraft wrongly take the blame. Like Cadbury, many other 'good old British' companies have dumped on their own time and again. I remember the Wedgwood pottery factory 'outsourcing' to Portugal several years ago, and throwing long-serving Stokies out of their jobs, with awful consequences for the local economy and their personal lives. Nobody gives a damn when it's a question of profit and loss.
Thanks for putting me straight, Krizon. Sneaky thing to do and I will still boycott Cadbury's for that.
Nae problem! I thought it was a Krafty move, too, until reading up on the deal and finding out that the Cad had it on the cards anyway, sale or no sale. Not that it's prevented me investing in six more cream eggs today! Oh, the shame, the shame...
Hellfire and damnation - NO! I bought six, loose, at the Post Office today (I know, I know - they sell some weird stuff!) and they were 'reduced' to 89p EACH! Right, tomorrow, after collecting car from having its first service - off to Sainsbugs on a raiding mission! Thanks, Shadz.
Nooooooooooo! The best news of the day! No! THE YEAR! No - the decade!! (Sound of door crashing, footsteps hurrying down the hall... )
I'm glad Easter is over. I was eating far too many MaltEaster bunnies.

I've no self-control when it comes to them.
Oh, now I get to hear about MaltEaster bunnies! Excuse me, dear forumites, but next Easter, could we be informed about these delights in a more timely fashion? I now feel I've missed out - I've eaten Lindt bunsters before, but a MaltEaster sounds really yummy.
Barley malt extract, if memory serves.

My nearest Sainsbury's regularly had to restock as they flew off the shelves.
