Things Only Arseholes Say...

And how do we like athaletics, struggaling, gambaling, battaling, and the glo'al stops which give rise to coo' jazz, lotta boo', swimmin' poo' and Ba'oo of 'Astings? It's not even proper Cockernee, it's more the lazy Estuarine which is infesting the gene poo' these days.
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Uttered by every politician: 'I think it is right that..[insert political decision here]

I am still waiting for an interviewer to say 'why do you think it is right?'
'off of' gets my goat in a big way. It's horrendous and offensively bad English. It's creeping in more and more though but mainly through American (spit spit) authors. It's enough to stop me reading any more by an author who uses it.

I have actually seen it in a dissertation for an Honours Degree, Shadow! Not once, but repeatedly.

When I gently advised a change I was looked at in sheer surprise. Oddly enough, she changed it when her tutor pointed out that it was totally ungrammatical and would be failed immediately without being read any further.

In the same subject, the lecturer apologised to a group of over 100 for having to fail more than half of their assignments because the standard of English was so poor. She apologised on behalf of those who educated them and said that it was not entirely the students' faults, as the educational system had let them down badly.

My current pet hate is also "shooj" instead of "huge". Sloppy diction.
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Some from Australia, and I honestly want to roll in a grave when I hear them.

Julia Gillard's (PM) famous lines:

"Moving forward."
"The benefits of the carbon tax."
"A sustainable Australia."

Paulin Hanson (an MP, who's story I am not going into, just google!!!)
"I don't like it."

One from the charity workers who block the pavement and harrass people who are trying to walk to places, by following them, or shoving themself in one's way.

"You know people are suffering every day, you could seriously make a difference."

Or the one that really made me angry. I walked out of the doors of the company I was working for, it was pouring. Standing right out the front was a man from the Cancer Council. He prompty shoved himself in my way and started waffling on about the organisation (which I have a massive amount of time for, except them going out on the street arranging donations). As my mum was in the fifth stage of cancer (her body was rittled with the disease) at that time, I was not in the mood. I told the guy to piss off and to get out of my way. Then he looked at me with a huge smirk and cheesy look and said "Did you know that someone in your family could die from this disease." Yep, you can just imagine how that went down. :mad:
Ending every sentence with "you know what I mean"...... (other secretary in the office does that and its bloody annoying!!!)- you really want to say yes why dont you?!
Can't stand that one, Bally! One day I'm going to say, "No. You know, I have absolutely no idea what you mean" and see what the reaction is.