This Has Been Annoying Me


Nice one Gearoid, interesting that she thinks they'd be more vulnerable under eggheads format. That seh thinks they'd win was predicatble, I mean you're bound to back yourselves aren't you, so I half expected that. All we need now is to identify a BBC producer - get it on!!!! Who knows, I can see them having tinsel on their buzzers and wearing santa claus hats yet.

I notice I've slandered her in a previous post incidentally. She is the 15 to 1 winner, so it would CJ and Judith who I'd expect to struggle. Sorry Daphne.
Originally posted by Gearoid@Sep 20 2007, 09:29 PM
Dear Gearoid

Hopefully we would - if it was the University Challenge format especially as both Kevin and I are extremely quick on the buzzers.....

If it was Eggheads format, it's all down to who gets the killer question at the end. I mean who knows the words of the Romanian national anthem - (keep watching for this one!).

Best wishes

I knew it :laughing:


No - The eggheads have been beaten