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This Is Your Death

Originally posted by Ardross@Apr 8 2006, 11:03 PM
E Dead Group - already put to death by Col's member deletion strategy
I'm afraid the death clock alarm just went off for you Ards. A subset has been despatched.
dis·patch also des·patch (d-spch)
tr.v. dis·patched, dis·patch·ing, dis·patch·es
1. To relegate to a specific destination or send on specific business. See Synonyms at send1.
a. To complete, transact, or dispose of promptly.
b. To eat up (food); finish off (a dish or meal).
3. To put to death summarily.

:unsure: :blink: :unsure:
By repeatedly clicking on 'Death Clock' without changing the details I would seem to have a choice of death dates (between 2042 and 2053). Is there anyone I might contact to remove any uncertainty!
Here's another, more comprehensive death test - see how it compares to the first one! :lol:

Death Test

This one says I'll be dead by November 2059 at the age of 82, most probably of a heart attack :lol:
I'm off in August 2057 aged 80 from a heart attack. I prefer the old test, I lived to be 100 on that one :lol:
Two minutes, after the stuff-out I've just put away, I reckon! By golly, Boots' beef fajitas with sweet chilli sauce are just too darn delicious! And the Galaxy bar, and a couple of handfuls of Bassetts Fruity Babies... oddly squidgy, those, they feel almost as if they're alive. :teeth: