Fu*cking joke. A week ago he said Shishkin was "ready to roll".
Henderson should just retire, and do so immediately. He is becoming an absolute fu*cking parody of the trainer he once was.
WTF man has dementia set in? A 26% strike rate 20/21 season. The man has sent out 4 of the last 9 Arkle winners and two of those went for and won the Tingle Creek. Sprinter Sacre missed what looked an easy opportunity because Nicky felt he was quite right and when he did come out he was PU with a heart problem.
Try and understand horses make fools of trainers every day of the week.
We demand to know what's what and the media do our bidding. They ask Nicky will Shishkin run and at the time of asking Nicky has the horse exactly where he wants him and replies well so far so good it's looking that way..
Then he works him a couple of weeks later and he works like a stuffed pig, is off his food, scopes badly, his blood count is all wrong whatever.
Have you never suddenly woke up and felt under the weather.....Damn sure you have and horses are no different so give your uncalled for slagging a miss..you've been around to long for that sort of nonsense.
As far as Shishkin goes if he really wanted to be a c**t he could have waited to see what Mullins was doing before pulling him out.
Personally I don't think Shishkin would have a cat in hell's chance in hell of beating Chacun Pour Soi 100% fit and a damn sight less chance if he is not right.
It could be that Nicky wants to keep his charge unbeaten as long as possible but as I said why pull him out if he has no clue which horses will turn up.
Off to the Dessie or Shloer I expect and back to Cheltenham unbeaten