Moon Racer in the Bumper wasn't too bad either.
Stephen Hawking could have won on Moon Racer
Stephen Hawking could have won on Moon Racer
Beaten by an unexposed plot horse that was getting absolute lumps of weight. Harsh.
Gambol at Market Rasen.
A Scu classic.
I wouldn't be as stupid or arrogant enough or have the wish to make myself look like a complete wanker by saying I know better than those who use him
I doubt if many of Scu's colleagues would agree that he is a poor jockey they usually scorn at such idiocy from punters
I seem to remember him winning several races on Lough Derg and Madison Du Berlais which weren't the easiest of rides and him being called brilliant on Tamarinbleu.
Colin Tizzard also seems happy with him riding a horse he regards as the best he's ever had and is happy to have him ride others from his yard
He's never had a high percentage of winners to rides because he rides just about anything for anyone plus his guvner isn't exactly setting the world on fire these days
Not the best jockey in the world but one of the better ones and not deserving of a hate thread by any stretch of the imagination.