Tony Mccoy

Originally posted by Irish Stamp@Jan 14 2008, 02:58 PM
I guess it's possible Cantoris. I broke my wrist and didn't find out till I had my arm x-rayed two years later and the nurse asked me when I'd broken it
Ah yeah but you were just looking for her number!! I do understand how something broken can go unnoticed but his ankle is the focal point for a hell of a lot of pressure so its gotta hurt......even if pain is your friend.
I'm sure it hurt, but its about saying 'that hurts' and then thinking about something else and carrying on as normal until eventually, in a few weeks time, its as if it isnt hurting anymore. (but its probably deformed in some way !!)
Dave Casey broke his shoulder,just in case none of you heard yet.
I rode out for 3 months in France with cracked ribs after a doctor told me there was no need for an x ray,only found out when went for one when I got home because I was still in pain.
On the day Piggot mentioned he had a suspected broken elbow along with concussion but nothing after that. Thanks for the update, Spoons.
I loved the "0 days, never told anyone" as well - fell about laughing!

Reminds me of a long retired, well known jump jockey (I know how everyone hates name dropping so won't!!!!! :laughing: ) who I knew [little known fact - I rode in his saddle for my first few rides after he insisted I use it, had his name plastered all over it too, bless him!!!] who would outline the way it was : "what you do is you soak a plaster cast in water and it comes right off. Then you grin and bear the doctor whilst lying through your teeth....:D" He did ok as well, won a Grand National at least!!!!

You lot are too kind as well!!! ! :laughing: Actually I look like I've been set about with a club, the bruises and swelling have gotten worse! I'm showing bloody everyone, been dropping my kecks everywhere!!!!!!!! :D

But I'm 'ard, I rode out yesterday (albeit I didn't want to risk cantering as I was in lots of pain!) and endured an equiciser today!
I can vouch for this story as regardless of the bruising, I knew it must have been in pain when it was so quiet for the whole ride. shrug::
Originally posted by Cantoris+Jan 14 2008, 07:41 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Cantoris @ Jan 14 2008, 07:41 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Irish Stamp@Jan 14 2008, 02:58 PM
I guess it's possible Cantoris. I broke my wrist and didn't find out till I had my arm x-rayed two years later and the nurse asked me when I'd broken it
Ah yeah but you were just looking for her number!! I do understand how something broken can go unnoticed but his ankle is the focal point for a hell of a lot of pressure so its gotta hurt......even if pain is your friend. [/b][/quote]
I've broken my left ankle three times now but never had it in plaster. The first two times I was living abroad, thought I'd sprained it badly; didn't know it had been broken till I had it Xrayed years later the third time I broke it - it swelled up enormously. The radiographer pointed out the old breaks to me, but left diagnosis to the doc.... She [at UCH in London] said this one was a bad sprain too, til they rang a week later [on my 50th birthday :rolleyes: ] and told me the young doc in charge a week earlier had made a mistake reading the Xrays.

I was in the middle of moving to Suffolk, had driven back and forth twice - as well as from the hospital! - packed up the flat, and shifted a lot of carpets and furniture as the new cottage had sprung a bad leak. So I refused to have it put in plaster! It was pretty agonising and took about a month before it was just moderately uncomfortable to walk on but I had a pair of long lace-up boots, which held it quite firm... Just as well I didn't have a prang as my insurance would have been invalid. I suppose riding woudl be jsut as bad if not worse than driving, esp over jumps

I've had no real trouble since, tho it can go 'out' a bit under stress, like too many stairs.
There's far too much 'plastering up' for minor breaks imo :laughing:

Broken ribs are bloody painful - you cant cough or larf or turn over in bed. I did three back in the early 70s in the back of a red Fiat... went to UCH for that too, which caused the medics a lot of ribald amusement
The point is that they plaster in order to immobilise the broken bone. I'm sure they do it as much to cover their own backs as anything else - imagine a court case whereby the doctors didn't bother plastering a broken ankle, the patient walked on it and made it worse then sued? It's the only possible situation in most cases.

That said when I broke my ankle I got away with not having it plastered as I told them I didn't want it plastered, I wanted to get back asap. So they bandaged it and told me to keep bandaging it and to promise I'd be fully non-weight bearing for c.4 weeks.

The simple answer, if you don't want to be laid up or plastered up, is don't go for a sodding x-ray! Once you go to the doctor/hospital any injury is on your medical record and they get mighty antsy if you try to then ignore said injury. You're then signed off and made to lie up for weeks on end. So if you don't want that, the moral of the story is not to go near a doctor or hospital in the first place (and I say that having a very low pain threshold! Still, sometimes needs must...)
The third time I was IN the sodding hospital next door - the Middlesex - when I broke it! and I was there an hour having dragged myself to the main lobby and collapsed, trying to get someone to help me, having slipped on a patch of polish left by one of those polishing machines.... the guy pushing it down the endless corridor had just walked off and left me yelling and hanging on to a door jamb!

Then I had to get myself down the road to A&E in UCH. I couldn't get anyone in the Mddx to pay any attention to me whatsoever - maybe they all thought I was a drunk [I hadn't even had a drink - had been visiting an old pal after a long hard day's work!]. I was there in A&E for four hours, then drive myself home c1am.

Having done it there, got NO help at the Mddx, then the doc having missed the break, I could no doubt have sued them for quite a bit. But I didn't think it was right to blight the record of the poor young doc who was on duty that night - it was a madhouse [Friday!] and she should not have been dealing with it all on her own. Apart from which, it's only the taxpayer who foots the bill for those kind of lawsuits, ie US.