Tony McCoy

Gal - the only way to keep being champion NH jockey year after year is to just GET winners, though, isn't it? Championships are won on wins, not prize money earned. Thus, AP will continue to want to ride winners, even if it were the fuzzy camel in the Mascot Derby, in order to maintain his phenomenal champeen record. He will be remembered as the first NH pilot to knock in 3,000 or however many it is by the time he hangs up his hat, he will be remembered as the NH jockey who won God knows how many titles by the time he retires. What all those wins consisted of won't be the point. It'll be the fact that they earned him championship after championship. He doesn't want to just win the championships again, it seems, he wants to win them by a country mile of winners over his opponents. I think he'll also be remembered for his vigorous style of riding on every animal - no owner can say that AP hasn't ridden it to obtain the best possible placing, preferably first. He's not been the most publicly demonstrative person, I know, but I've never seen him fail to sign autographs for awestruck kids, or have a little word for them. That's probably true of Ruby, too, but it does go to show that however garlanded AP is, he hasn't become an unbearable bighead.