Too close for comfort

Desert Orchid

Senior Jockey
Aug 2, 2005
I've just received word that my brother, his partner and some relatives were in the theatre last night when the ceiling came down.

Mercifully, they emerged largely unscathed and got out of the place pretty sharp but they sound a little shaken by their experience, unsurprisingly enough.
Bloody hell !
Very glad they sustained no injuries. Lucky, fortunate people.

The "theatre industry" spokesman this morning on Sky News -- did he come across as an arrogant toffee-nosed twat or what? The son of Donald Sinden ( Mark?) expressed sympathy for the theatre owner, the staff, and the building. :blink:
No word of sympathy for the seriously injured audience members. Prat.
Funnily enough it's where i saw peter o toole in Jeffrey Bernard is unwell

I'm not sure whether this is linked or what