Trashy Tabloidism At Its Best....

Do you reckon she'd like to talk to one of the many trainers who do turn their horses out most days to refute the shite she put about it being "rare" that racehorses are ever turned out?!

Jeremy Gask might be interested to see that she's still got Simon Earle installed in his yard too!!!! :laughing:

That's just two of the inaccuracies.....
Have you seen some of the comments:

We have banned cock-fighting, bear baiting and dog pits and now the appalling level of animal mortality in horse racing must at least warrant a full in-depth enquiry conducted by qualified personnel.

- Fifthbridge, Nuneaton Warks

Fecking deluded alzheimers victim in waiting or what.

I made a comment but doubt it will pass the screening.

One thing i do agree with though - the standard of racegoer at Aintree - as it is at Chester and Haydock is really bad.
...if you don't mind them more than a bit rough around the edges, and haggard to boot!!!! :laughing:

Like yourself Euro, I have posted a comment on the Daily Mail website ~ it's more than a shade of odds on that it doesn't appear!!!!!

As has been said, ill informed tripe. Not to mention shoddily researched.

Mind you I wouldn't mind if she wanted to research another fabricated report in similar fashion as before - she'd not want to shelter in the press room all day mind or she might get a shock!!!!! :D Not that I recall seeing it sheltering in the press room at Aintree anyway.
You do realise that this unashamed Tory rag is Kathy's preferred organ of choice don't you Dom :nuts: :P

In truth, most of the journo's I've come across are pretty lazy, so it's no surprise to see her merely repackaging animal aids publicity and dressing it up as her own insights and research. I learn McKelevy had only had 2 hurdles races etc No great secret, no great discovery, and a perfectly normal prep for a horse wishing to defend a chase mark, whilst getting a bit of fitness into it.

As regards the BBC bias, well with the best will in the world Radio 4 is a news service. Radio 5 by contrast is the home of inflamatory trivial, late night phone ins. A quasi question of moral outrage is routinely raised, and Peter just back from the pub, pi$$ed up from Preston gets their chance to sound off. Suffice to say radio 5 did at least a 45 minute slot, where animal aid were given an airing with Paul Struthers and Clare Balding providing the counter.
Oh yes, the classic "he had only 2 hurdle races whilst showing no ability" line or whatever it said.

The woman's a psychotic freak - HS posted a link on FF to some of her other articles including a long public and intimately detailed synopsis on her marriage whilst it was still going and after it finished, during which she admitted that she lied through her teeth to her husband about all sorts, not least her age, but also the sort of person she is!!!!!
I got about a third of the way through the article and just stopped reading. She goes and picks one of the biggest yob days in English racing to do her piece. I bet she won't write an article from a dreary newton abbott when the real stars can be seen. Papers will write what their readers want to hear. complete and utter rubbish. I'm glad Irish papers have a bit more sense......or at least are owned by racing people like Sir Anthony O'Reilly.
Hardly surprising stuff from that rag, I wouldn't use it to start a fire with. The only surprising thing about the article is that she doesn't blame immigrants at any point.
I heard that Liz does not even write her onw stuff, has a ghost. So no surprise she did not spend any of her own precious time doing any research on the text she has put her name to.

She looks bloody miserable too - happy smiley eh? Friends with Lady McCartney so I hear!
:what: :what: :what: Girls' night out!! Argh, what a pair they'd make
Enough to frighten the horses....

I'm afraid this going to require letters to the editor, as she is clearly 'moderating' her replies
I know of ar least 20 people who've written in and not one has been published!

I'm also going to "Facebook" it so EVERYONE in the racing networks gets to repond
Originally posted by Warbler@Apr 13 2008, 07:03 PM
You do realise that this unashamed Tory rag is Kathy's preferred organ of choice don't you Dom :nuts: :P

You really are becoming a tiresome bore, Warbler. Your continually digging to try and get a reaction is becoming pathetic. Until SL had posted this article I knew nothing about it, and as soon as I saw who the "journalist" was I didn't even get past the first paragraph. It is complete and utter rubbish written by someone trying to get a reaction. You and her have a bit in common don't you?

I can't remember you being particularly brave when we met at Newbury. These forums are great to be able to say so much when you are hidden behind the safety of your keyboard aren't they.
I dont see what tory rag has got to do with it? :suspect: Such an article would just as easily be found in the Guardian

Didnt read the whole thing but the point about the state of some racing crowds is fair enough. Most particularly in the north a race day is seen (more and more i sense) as an all day drinking session

As fo the animal welfare angle i dont agree with most of the complaints but i cna understand why many people feel queasy about some aspects of NH racing and theres no point in racing acting with the arrogance of the fox hunting lobby (whos main argument seemed to be "its none of your business" which the answer should have been "your fcking subsidies are"). Not everyone thinks the sport is wonderful

From what i gathered Claire Balding handled that radio 5 debate very well
I'm pretty sure that the valid points she brings up have been discussed on here numerous times - e.g. overproduction, owner's responsibilites post-retirement, and the attrition rate of NH racing.

There's an excellent article to be written on the subject. This ain't it.
She has come up with plenty of valid points about the problems with racing - but seems to have given these little weight compared to the behaviour of the crowd - Aintree on National day is such a fair sample to take.

The fact that much of the article is about crowd behaviour and the poor treatment of the "respectable" members of Animal Aid just illustrates how poorly written and ill-informed the whole thing is - the valid points are restricted to one paragraph at the end.

And for one SL and I are in agreement - the woman is a complete nut job. I always used to read her witterings about the state of her marriage for pointers to any sign that my current partner was behaving in the same fashion - which would lead to her being pretty much instantly consigned to the dustbin if I could be certain she was.