Trashy Tabloidism At Its Best....

I've just added another response asking where all the replies are which I KNOW to have been sent pointing out her numerous errors of fact - and assuring her that we shall all be taking up the matter with the Editor.
Originally posted by Kathy+Apr 14 2008, 08:09 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Kathy @ Apr 14 2008, 08:09 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Warbler@Apr 13 2008, 07:03 PM
You do realise that this unashamed Tory rag is Kathy's preferred organ of choice don't you Dom :nuts:  :P

You really are becoming a tiresome bore, Warbler. Your continually digging to try and get a reaction is becoming pathetic. Until SL had posted this article I knew nothing about it, and as soon as I saw who the "journalist" was I didn't even get past the first paragraph. It is complete and utter rubbish written by someone trying to get a reaction. You and her have a bit in common don't you?

I can't remember you being particularly brave when we met at Newbury. These forums are great to be able to say so much when you are hidden behind the safety of your keyboard aren't they. [/b][/quote]
Lighten up Kathy. I thought it was perfectly obvious I was fishing for a response. For heavens sake, I could barely have made it more blatant
Originally posted by clivex@Apr 14 2008, 10:21 AM
I dont see what tory rag has got to do with it? :suspect:

From what i gathered Claire Balding handled that radio 5 debate very well
Neither do I Clive, but I couldn't help myself. :D

I did listen to the radio 5 piece, and Balding carried herself with dignity (as did Struthers in fairness to him) but to some extent both were on the back foot by the way the nature of the debate had been framed. The animal aid person probably came out of it slightly worse, but the very fact they were having the debate on his terms would have constituted a victory of sorts. There were enough people put on air (I think the BBC call it balance) who were speakign out against racing
Originally posted by Gareth Flynn@Apr 14 2008, 10:28 AM
I'm pretty sure that the valid points she brings up have been discussed on here numerous times - e.g. overproduction, owner's responsibilites post-retirement, and the attrition rate of NH racing.

There's an excellent article to be written on the subject. This ain't it.
Agree Gareth..........Yet again the Racing Industry is in the spot-light ....Many Horsey & non horsey friends have been saying to me How can Your daughter work with Racehorses when its obviously cruel really cares if horses die... they are treated terrible ..etc

I did tell them that what they thought was rubbish in the main, and not to believe everything they read....yes their are some issues that the Industry has to address and hopefully they will be...

This is a typical reaction from people who hear or see the not so nice side of the Industry , who dont know the good side , and to be honest arent even prepared to listen !
Originally posted by clivex@Apr 14 2008, 10:21 AM
acting with the arrogance of the fox hunting lobby (whos main argument seemed to be "its none of your business" which the answer should have been "your fcking subsidies are").
I have no brief on here to support or decry fox hunting or NH or whatever but if this is a rant against an irrational and innaccurate piece of journalism, then everyone's facts should be correct.

So, there has never been a 'subsidy' for fox-hunting, so let's put that one to bed, shall we ?
People do get very angry when an activity they understand by virtue of the fact they are personally involved in it, is attacked by ill-formed ignorant people who don't know what they are talking about - as this thread shows. The analogy with hunting is apposite, though not quite in the way Clivex intended

Fortunately for TB racing/breeding, it's now - or so I read last month - the 6th biggest 'industry' in terms of turnover in the UK, and that's not including gambling, so I doubt a Govt of any stripe will have much truck with the anti-racing lobby.

Meanwhile I can't think what on earth the SoM editor was thinking of to publish such drivel, it's the sort of stuff you'd expect to read in some right-on urban left-wing paper like the Indy or Grauniad, not one whose readers are quite likely to be interested in racing or to work in it. I suppose as the paper has gone out of its way for years to appeal to women, they probably assumed that there are few of us involved in racing, and this would consequently appeal...
Farmers arent subsidised? Services in the country arent subsidised?

First i knew about that. That isnt the whole lobby, granted, but quite enough of it to stick
Fortunately for TB racing/breeding, it's now - or so I read last month - the 6th biggest 'industry' in terms of turnover in the UK, and that's not including gambling

That i find very hard to believe
Originally posted by clivex@Apr 14 2008, 06:25 PM
Farmers arent subsidised? Services in the country arent subsidised?

First i knew about that. That isnt the whole lobby, granted, but quite enough of it to stick
There are no more farm subsidies!

There is now the Single Farm Payment, in return for which every farmer must - and I do mean must perform a whole raft of compliance actions to receive it, which benefits the land and therefore the countryside, which millions of Brits like to enjoy.

There's a growing percentage of farmers who don't claim for their SFP because they don't want to comply and they get no government assistance whatsoever and therefore cost you, the taxpayer (I am assuming you do pay tax and don't receive any State Benefits yourself?) zip. Other than the same benefits any other National is entitled to claim, of course.

Most farmers tolerated The Hunt because they received a service from them, ie their fallen stock used to be collected and disposed of at the Hunt kennels originally for nothing, then for about £10 per animal.

Now? You have to take the dead animal to the kennels and fill in reams of paperwork and pay the Kennels a set fee according to the animal. It's cheaper and easier to belong to the Fallen Stock Scheme and get the animal dropped and taken away by the knackerman - less hassle and quicker paperwork.

So now that service has disappeared, it is, in fact, a real nuisance having the Hunt across your land, as electric fences have to be switched off/left open, if it's wet, the land gets a good hammering from the followers and if, like me, you also have bloodstock, then they have to be in for the day, which is more mucking out, more bedding used up and forage too.

However, I still permit them across a couple of times a year because I don't agree with a blanket ban on all Field Sports and that is what this Government may well end up doing as a vote-catching exercise - and not because of any inherent political belief that it's wrong.

There are an ever-increasing number of farmers who don't give access to Hunts and, because of increased urbanisation, the actual area of land hunted over in England has decreased significantly over the past 30 years, to the point in a few years time many Hunts will simply have to disband. We've a bet on around here that the Taunton Vale Harriers will go soon because their country has been so broken up.

And yes, Headstrong is correct - the racing/breeding industry has been the sixth largest in the UK for several years now.
I fail to see why a subsidy to farmers from the Government has any relevance as regards the right of the government to tell farmers what they can or cannot do in their spare time.

Everyone in Ireland gets a childrens allowance ( a subsidy) It doesn't mean they can tell me I can't go fishing.
Originally posted by Sheikh@Apr 15 2008, 10:33 AM
Everyone in Ireland gets a childrens allowance ( a subsidy) It doesn't mean they can tell me I can't go fishing.
The Irish are notoriously (and delightfully) eccentric. Therefore all of their actions are null and void in the context of comparison to other countries. :P
Eh.... ok thanks I think.....

I was just trying to say that I think that whether the members of Hunts get subsidised for what they do for a living is irrelevant as to whether they should be allowed hunt or not

......... anyway I thought you where supposed to be the eccentric ones shrug::
Is there any subsidy for 'Urban' foxing cos theres more around here than in the fields :laughing: but then people will keep feeding the buggers! Which annoys me as my dogs then go out & 'scrounge' the food left out for the fox's. :rant:

Anyway back to the topic in question & as long as I breathe there wll be this argument, as there will be racism arguments,should we bring back hanging,do politcians lie????? There are some things that will NEVER change & this is probably one of them. I would never go hunting, & have no love for it, but have a share in a horse that has been hunting!

Would have to agree with some of the comments re the 'spectators', & some of the comments on the thread regarding them, but these are not the people you will see at a lower level of meeting in the depths of winter as previously eluded to.
I also tried to reply but got a constant stream of codes which I had to enter in the box so in the end i gave up, after doing about 20 of them!! Its saved tho so I might just send it to the editior
Originally posted by Sheikh@Apr 15 2008, 11:23 AM
......... anyway I thought you where supposed to be the eccentric ones shrug::
Are you calling me English sonny Jim? :rant: :P

"We" are tight with our money. And wear tartan. And eat nothing but shortbread, deep fried mars bars and haggis (preferably freshly caught off the hills). :D

Anyhoo, my comment, as with most of my comments, was tongue in cheek. :D
Originally posted by Love Everlasting@Apr 16 2008, 12:15 PM
I also tried to reply but got a constant stream of codes which I had to enter in the box so in the end i gave up, after doing about 20 of them!! Its saved tho so I might just send it to the editior
There have been no comments added since around mid afternoon on Sunday. And we all know just from FF and here how many there must have been... Def send a letter to the editor!

Sheikh, Simmo's joke which confused you was referring to a comment of mine [well over a year ago iirc] in which I remarked that I found the Irish were often delightfully eccentric. I've never been allowed to forget it :P