Kathy, Hard though it will be for most on here to believe, I genuinely do try and get on with those around me!

When we arrived here, we made every effort to get on with the very small numbers of neighbours we had - this bloke actually lives about 1/5 mile away from me at the top of the lane passing my farm. The following will probably be boring and/or too much info but anyway...
Like most reasonable people do, we introduced ourselves and immediately, without any provocation whatsoever, received a lecture about what he would and would not permit to access the lane - he owns a short stretch of land both sides of the lane at the entrance and the veg patch in question is further down the lane beyond but opposite his cottage and, as previously mentioned, there are five foot high iron girders at intervals down the lane, with no caps on and rusted, and at this time of year, obscured by vegetation.
The previous owners had an agreement with my neighbouring farmer - a single man of about 60 who is eccentric to say the least (Krizon will confirm...). The had made an entrance across his land bypassing the lane's entrance and therefore my objectionable neighbour's iron girders, purely to admit the milk tanker (when we moved in, we offered to purchase the access rights from said farmer and met with the proposal that it would cost us £2,000 -
per year!!! How we laughed....). My predecessors were then on the verge of bankruptcy due to falling milk prices and being unable to sell any stock because they had a TB reactor and were closed down. My predecessors were, in fact, on the 'at risk' list held by both Social Services and what was then the Min of Ag - I know this for a fact as they didn't not remove the listing when the farm was sold and I did wonder why they were falling over themselves to solve an environmental problem I had!! The disputes the previous owners had with The Git were legendary and they were not alone - Highways had their fingers burned and so did some contractors who were doing work on the farm. The Git is a retired solicitor with too much time on his hands.
Suffice it to say that the preceived opinion around here is that The Git did everything he could do make life a living hell for the previous owners and was 50% of the reason they filed for bankruptcy. The two brothers were genuinely nice people - I still meet one of them as I am acquainted with his sister who is married to another farmer in our village and we get on well.
I have tried being reasonable and I have also been less than polite and, in fact, just a few months ago witnessed him going to hit one of my dogs with a stick while they were on my property! At which point I spoke to our communitiy policeman, invited him round for a cup of coffee in order for him to assess the temperament of my three dogs which, as he confirmed was excellent because I knew The Git was just wating for an excuse to have yet another pop at me and I wanted it officially logged that he had made a habit of this. I know The Git received a visit from the CP about another matter but during which he was warned that his behaviour to me and my dogs was not acceptable. So this matter with the trees is about the right time period distant from his ticking-off and is his idea of pay-back, no doubt, in his twisted little bourgois mind, for that.
Phew - now you know. Bet you were sorry you commented now, Kathy!! I have no intention of wasting any of my hard-earned on legal fees - if he does start doing anything other than he is legally entitled too, he may find that tractor trailers breakdown outside his house with astonishing frequency and I shall start taking extra care when driving up and down the lane, hooting my horn during the day on the blind corner immediately below his window. Petty, I know, but so satisfying!