Senior Jockey
Jonbon was very hyped up in the paddock beforehand (although I know he does get stressy). I think possibly being a fairly full-on horse maybe the extra week tipped him over?
He fair mullered that fence and Bowen did well to stay on. I thought he did right giving him time to recover and it was a shame that he had had to send him on when he did. The last fence mistake didn’t help and I do slightly put that down to jockey nerves....but he will learn from that and no doubt be kicking himself. I imagine that’s got to be his highest pressure ride so far and it didn’t come off. He will be very down tonight as a result, of that I am sure. Getting beaten on the yard hot pot at odds on isn’t a good feeling.
Remember Mick FItz writing about the day he put Remittance Man on the floor in QMCC.
NJH was not a happy bunny but Raemylette winning Cathcart for LLoyd Webbers the next day did nicely.