Triumph Hurdle

Solid rather than spectacular win for Zaynar. Backed him and Hebridean on the same day so losse covered and unless I go beserk later on today a profitable and enjoyable Cheltenham
1.30 seconds faster than the County Hurdle!!! I think I'm right in saying it's only been done 4 times in the last 25 years? Mysliv and Detroit City managed it I think. Can't recall off hand who the other Triumph winners were who beat their respective 'county' cohort but it's normally a sign of class when they do
correct Warbler, I remember when Detroit did it..I searched back and found mysilv as you have mentioned

it would be unusual for the County not be a good marker..normally a true run race

I backed Walkon..thought it was going to wear the winner down..both had tough races here though
I don't think Starluck would have been any closer than third if he'd been ridden around the inner because he emptied too quickly up the hill. I really like the horse's jumping and I can see him turning the form around on a track with more emphasis on speed. I agree it was probably a classy renewal.
Aintree was the first thing that went through my mind as I watched my money going up in flames.

Thinking about it, the victory over the County Hurdlers is actually all the more impressive given how far American Trilogy won that race by. Take him out of the race as a ridicliously well handicapped 'good thing' and Zaynar's defeat of the placed horses must be into new territory?
Ebadiyan certainly looks to have a bit of a screw loose!

Cheers, I looked at the race this morning, thought "it's hard", looked again and announced "Zaynar wins".

Mind you the high point was Reve running such a good race. He's a lovely, lovely animal - the Williams have transformed him from November when I last saw him (at the PP meeting) when he looked like an enormous frame. He's filled out a lot since then, with more to come. I'd doubt that such a scopey individual either has been seen in the Triumph in recent years, or will be seen much in the future.
Glad I kept my Zaynar antepost @ 10s on BF! Very annoyed with myself, after having a saver on Walkon more recently, I didn't do the FCT, LOL. He really is the most gorgeous animal in the flesh, as so many 'Aga Khan - bred' horses are. Pray he stays safe, it's such a pleasure to watch him in action