Trump on trial

My late father, an Economics lecturer, told me he once met an American academic counterpart who drily explained USA politics to my Dad thus: "The thing you need to understand is that the Republican Party is the equivalent of your Conservative Party, whereas the Democrat Party is the equivalent of your Conservative Party."

I am surprised Bernie Sanders wasn't expelled from the latter years ago.
He was/is too good to be America's president. He would never agree to be the CIA's/FBI's etc puppet
Politics is a game of opinions, just the same as racing and betting are, and my opinion is that the one and only redeeming quality Joe Biden has is that he is not Donald Trump.
Before I post this I am 100% Trump
Maybe get a result today....
The Dems missed a great chance to make Trump look like a bafoon.
Since the start and before the trial Trump has been name calling the case a scam a witch hunt. etc etc
Calling the judge bent, a Biden puppet you name it.

If I were that judge I would have halted the trial..say it was the biggest farce ever and said Case Dismissed you are free to go President Trump and please accept the courts apology.

Trump would look like an idiot the Media would make a hero out of the judge saying Trump owed him and Joe Biden an apology. Stating Biden said all along he was not behind it
The plot thickens.

The idea of this bloke in his jail cell with the nuclear codes just isn't worth thinking about it.
On a tangent, I was impressed with Joe Biden yesterday at the D-Day memorial event. He spoke really well.

If he did that with no notes or earpiece I'm even more impressed.