Two and a Half Mill

R HANNON East Everleigh, Wilts

Current Form
Trainer Engagements

GB IRE All Races Flat Jumps Any Turf All Weather Last 5 Seasons 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 By Course Distance Month Horse RaceType Jockey Age WINS RUNS % 2nds 3rds 4ths WIN PRIZE TOTAL PRIZE £1 STAKE

2yo 335 2453 14 322 263 268 £2,739,621.20 £4,352,874.47 -451.02 3yo 256 2300 11 248 260 245 £1,843,667.94 £3,146,629.23 -515.35 4yo+ 104 968 11 112 97 88 £1,351,940.86 £2,378,632.30 -198.69 TOTAL 695 5721 12 682 620 601 £5,935,230.00 £9,878,136.00 -1,165.05
Is Hannon as hard on his 2 year olds as Channon reportedly is?

One thing about Hannon which takes away from him slightly is his strike rate is not fantastic.

He's much harder than Channon and Channon aint got 5 - 6f types any more and hasnt for 3 years, his 2yos are not hard trained anymore he has been alot more patient.

Channon learnt off Rodney Baker and Elsworth not Hannon by the way, they have just always been good mates.
Ok, lets see what happens to Soul City at three as a case study.

Probably not a representative sample just to use one horse though, Sheikh!

I would seriously doubt whether Soul City is good enough to win a Classic FWIW (no matter how he is trained).
Probably not a representative sample just to use one horse though, Sheikh!

I would seriously doubt whether Soul City is good enough to win a Classic FWIW (no matter how he is trained).

Lets just see if he holds or improves his form, is that fair enough ?
Maybe fairer to pick the top 10 two year olds in Hannon's stable this year, or perform that exercise from previous years.
I'll have a look when home tonight on the RP if the Arsenal game goes the way Saturday's did...
For those who reappeared this season, based on RPRs:


Fat Boy (+11)
Redolent (+4)
Step Softly (+2)
Sweepstake (+1)
Dream Day (+5)


Scintillo (-2)
Berbice (-10)
Reel Gift (-32)
Cake (-10)
Latin Lad (-4)
Eastern Gift (-8)

There's 11 because there were two tied for 10th place. Paco Boy was his 12th best, and would have been a +28.
Not as convincing as I would have thought but anyway......
5 improved by a combined 23lbs and 6 declined by 66.

I think if you went down through all his two year olds that would become more pronounced and that wouldn't count the ones who went by the wayside.
Given the margin of error implicit in ratings, it's more like:

Improvers: Fat Boy

Stayed the same: Redolent, Step Softly, Sweepstake, Dream Day, Scintillo, Latin Lad

Failed to train on: Berbice, Reel Gift, Cake, Eastern Gift

Also worth noting that to "stay the same", you do have to improve in line with the decreasing amount of weight-for-age included in the ratings.