Uk Trained Bumper Horses

To be fair, it was pissing down with rain and the ground was pretty sticky on top.

However it did make me smile that I heard that Nicky's horses in the 2nd div were both "no's" (1st & 3rd) whereas in the 1st div they were "very good but not much between them" (2nd and the well-fancied one, Wantage Road 10th)
Bumpers are for 4, 5 and 6 year olds who have not run under any recognised rules of racing except in previous bumpers. In Ireland, not unusually, the rules are different in that you can revert to bumpers after running over timber.

You are allowed to run in a maximum of four bumpers plus Grade 1 bumpers (if qualified).

In the UK bumpers are designed to introduce young horses to racing and the hurly burly of the racecourse without them having to concentrate on jumping over obstacles. In Ireland bumpers are designed to remove money from the bookmakers' satchels.

Someone was asking on Twitter today for quotes about bumpers and the last few lines of the above post sprang to mind. Classic!
Still going strong emailing, but sadly lost to this and, it appears, all other racing forums. On the old Ch.4 forum, prior to us all being Dale Farmed out, he was also the risque Rocky II and even more hilarious than the more straightforward, but wittily erudite, BrianH.
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