Up And Coming Jockey


At the Start
Apr 17, 2005
I'm sure there was another thread like this one but could'nt find it, so ...

My list of HTF led me to 'Pocket Too' last night but it was only after doing the stats on the rider 'Kevin Tobin' that drew me into a fiver each-way.

As a 7lb claimer his percentage strike rate looked very good but more the point he seems to have ridden at numerous meetings and notched up good strike rates at a number of them.

Hope his success continues.

Hmmmmm! ..............was at Hereford a couple of weeks back and he rode the bumper winner but the lass who was leading the horse up was giving him the advice........"........make sure you don't fall off......." shrug::
Thought I'd resurrect this note on the day when championships will be won or lost.

Having seen him win a number of races recently I had a look at KT's stats. He seems to be going from good to better (several winners, different horses, different trainers, different courses, v.good strike rate), without too many rides - just the one today.

I don't follow riders but great credit where its due.

There appears to be a family of Tobin's on the RP stats site, anyone know the background.

Good luck to him - MR2
Jockey Shorts interview with Kevin from Racing Post!

Age 35

Marital status Very single

Licenced since July 2003

Retainer Conditional with Charlie Mann since September 2005

Lives Lambourn

Drives Vauxhall Astra (commonly known as ‘thestolen one')

What's your perfect night in, and your perfect night out? My perfect night in would involve sitting down to one of Natasha Fehily's dinners (Noel's wife), eating my own body weight in desserts, then watching my beloved Arsenal beat Manchester United. My perfect night out would involve dinner with friends, then a double-quick move to the nearest karaoke bar where I could let loose with one of my favourite Eminem tracks, or better still sing something I've written myself. I can write a song in a morning.

You've picked up a two-day suspension – what are you going to do to entertain yourself? I am in the lucky position of being in full-time employment with Charlie Mann, so there is no doubt he wouldn't let me stray far from yard duties! Nevertheless, if things were different I would sleep the first day and relax the second.

What's your favourite holiday destination? As I've just mentioned, I'm in full-time employment with Charlie Mann, so have little understanding of the word ‘holiday', but I do love to dash across the water to Ireland on the odd occasion.

Who'd be your ideal three companions for the long drive to Musselburgh? It would have to be Katie Holmes (Dawson's Creek years), Leona Lewis and Shakira. I'm sure I don't need to explain why.

What CDs would you keep in the glove compartment for when the conversation dries up? It has to be Eminem, while the Rocky soundtrack is great for motivation and just one of the ‘Now' albums, I guess.

Who are your biggest heroes – in and out of racing? I have always looked up to Tony McCoy and Ruby Walsh, but I must admit my biggest hero in racing is Mick Kinane. Mick has been a model of consistency for about 200 years and he's still at the top. Outside racing, there's no question. If I end up half the man my Dad is I will be doing okay.

What things excite you – and what do you find a turnoff? In racing, the biggest turn-on is having good rides at the toptracks, no question. I hate arrogance and rudeness.

What's the funniest thing that ever happened to you in the course of your work? I was having my second ride for the guv'nor. I was ‘in the zone' and managed to murder a certain jockey (who has a rather nice brand of chocolate named after him) from whom I received a severe telling-off. Unfortunately, we both then fell at the last. After brushing myself off, I handed him his whip. The enraged jockey attempted to take my head off with it! At the time it wasn't that funny, but we both look back now and have a giggle about it.

If you could change one thing in racing, what would it be? I would have to schedule a conditional jockeys' race at the Cheltenham Festival; there are three amateur races and we claimers have to mix it with the big guns.

If you hadn't been a jockey, what would you like to have done? I would be a stand-up comedian or a radio presenter. I think I'd be a good comedian, because every time I stand up people start laughing at me – I must have talent. I've appeared in local X Factor shows, and I've applied to be on the real thing on ITV. It's rather off-putting that everyone tells me I've a face for radio.

What's the daftest question you've ever been asked by a journalist? On riding my first winner, the commentator at the course announced that it was my first winner. Shortly afterwards, a reporter asked me: “How many is that for the season?”

What are the best and worst rides you have ever given a horse? My first winner – I was told he wouldn't get the trip in a horsebox, so I dropped him out so far that if he hadn't won I'd have been done for not trying. I got a peach of a run turning for home at Plumpton; he sprouted wings and made me look like a pure genius. My worst ride was my first ride for Jessica Harrington; I rode a sister to Florida Pearl at the Punchestown festival. What could go wrong, you say? I got left ten lengths at the start and never got within a furlong of the field – it's another one of those I can laugh about now.

What's the biggest regret of your career? I'm much too young to have regrets!
Thanks, Spoons.

I noticed that article last night. Some coincidence after raising the name a few hours earlier.

What raised my interest was to see the name 'Tobin' as so many line items in the racing post jockey stats. As a cricket coach I often see the same trend in 'cricket' families, and I would be interested to hear, if anyone knew, of a 'tobin' family steeped NH.

If we get enough rain in the Kempton area before Tuesday I'll ask him for you as he's jocked up (and won in Feb) on a horse I've a share in...
Thanks Steve, if you get the chance I would like to hear.

Just a thought, in support of our great NH sport, if anyone has TV interests it might make good viewing to throw the spotlight on any such 'NH steeped' families - the ones who might never get noticed.

My mind goes back to days spent in the Cotswold 30 years ago when I would see families dusting off their roller for its annual trip to Cheltenham, picnic basket in tow. This was truely a sight for someone like me having travelled south from the pits and ship-yards of the north-east.

I checked his stats before the WH H'cap Hdle at Ascot last week and it was enough to put me off the horse (Kanad) which I'd had on my short list. I thought he did it well on the day but I'm very wary of conditionals in general.
He's particularly useful in the 'Hands & Heels' races as he's plenty strong without having to resort to the whip - he has a ride in suxh a race today. the 1.20 Market Rasen, be interesting to see how he gets on riding Osako D´Airy.
I think he may not be able to ride anymore in one of the hands and heels series now having ridden too many winners to qualify.
Just shows how each of us reads stats in different ways, DO. I have always increased my stakes when one of my selections is ridden by a promising claimer.

Hope KT's obvious riding abilities are rewarded.

Originally posted by Arkwright@Nov 11 2007, 12:57 PM
I think he may not be able to ride anymore in one of the hands and heels series now having ridden too many winners to qualify.
Not sure about that as he won today's race on Osako D´Airy, after being well supported into 10/3 from 9/2. 3 wins from his last 4 rides.
After the Huntingdon race that Tony Martin's horse won in the series earlier on in the week,the report in the RP said Kevin couldn't ride anymore in the series so I'm not sure what the situation is.
Originally posted by Steve T@Nov 11 2007, 10:46 AM
If we get enough rain in the Kempton area before Tuesday I'll ask him for you as he's jocked up (and won in Feb) on a horse I've a share in...
Looks like there's enough rain to make it worth us having a run but not enough to put off KT's guvnor from having a runner so unfortunatley he's not riding for us.
Hes far younger than 35,think that was one of his "jokes".Only found qbout 5 or 6 individual tobins registered as jockeys in Ireland and dont think Kevins related to any of them.
Sounds a bit thick lying about his age. If somebody was half interested in him and thought he was 35 they'd think.."BAGGAGE!"
Originally posted by Spoons@Nov 11 2007, 11:07 AM

Who'd be your ideal three companions for the long drive to Musselburgh? It would have to be Katie Holmes (Dawson's Creek years), Leona Lewis and Shakira. I'm sure I don't need to explain why.
Actually Kevin you do need to explain why. Isn't Katie Holmes that horrible woman from The Apprentice who is now in the jungle with Ant and Dec! :what: