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Using Expletives On The Forum

  • Thread starter Thread starter Phil Waters
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Okay, rittle Glasshopper, why is it so important for you to swear to the max? I know that one can't walk down the high street without every third word being 'fkucing' nowadays, it's thrown around like confetti. But why do you feel language is embellished by the use of cnut, I wonder? It's still a pejorative, or else the bawling, shrieking drunken youths and slappers outside my flat of an evening wouldn't be calling each other one. They sure aren't calling out "I hate you, you unpleasant little person", that's for sure.

I have to say that the first person who calls me cnut to my face is going to be the first person I ever hit.
Krizon, what gives you the impression that it is "important to me to swear to the max"?

You spoke earlier in this thread of 'context'. This is a thread about the use of expletives on this paricular forum. My at-face-value gratuitous use of industrial language therein, is surely therefore delivered in context?

I did not suggest that our language is "embellished" by profanity - only that profanities are common to the point of not carrying the same meaning, or oomph, that they did many moons ago. In my interpretation at least.

You clearly would be upset if someone called you a cnut, which is your right, of course. You obviously have a different interpretation of the word than I do.
And I feel it's worth my confirming that you most certainly would not hear me say such a thing to you, because I also have impeccable manners.

However, that doesn't change the fact that, amongst my peers, the 'C' word is used liberally as a term of endearment. It doesn't necessarily follow that I greet every person I'm introduced to with the phrase "Nice to meet you, you cnut". There is a time and a place.

I hope this makes some kind of sense.
Originally posted by krizon@Feb 6 2007, 08:31 PM
Okay, rittle Glasshopper, why is it so important for you to swear to the max?
Grasshopper is quite possibly the finest wordsmith in the history of TRF (unless you call what the utterly unhinged Gamble does worsmithery) and I for one am delighted to see him gracing TH on a more regular basis. He also loathes namby-pambyism (sometimes referred to as "the flat") with a passion, a position which I fully endorse. Even if he is a radge ****, whatever that means (Trainspotting didn't come with subtitles). :D
rory's bona-fides are clearly already well established at Talking Horses, but it's worth re-iterating again that he is a man of class, discernment and impeccable taste. :D
Originally posted by krizon@Feb 6 2007, 11:36 AM
Oh, for goodness sake, Phil: I've made 17229 posts and you've found the F word an entire eighteen times? Well, strip me down and shiver me timbers! If that isn't blatant favouritism, I don't know what is!

Right, maybe you'd like now to come to CONTEXT? If someone is going off on a rant, as Euro has been over his Council Tax, and using a whole load of effs and 'c' words in a single topic, it comes over as extremely aggressive. I don't say I don't do that - I'm not a bleedin' Pollyanna any more than you - but I never use the 'c' word and I'm never going to, either. I will sometimes use the 'F' word in a joking manner - however, check out the number of jokes on the Jokes Section which contain it, and you'll see it all goes to context and INTENT. Euro can get through 18 Fs in a single day when he's in one of his furious moods, so get a sense of proportion about it all.
Phil I don't have the slightest idea what you are going on about . The other thing i deleted from your first post was the insult aimed at me . I didn't touch any of your ######

Krizon is quite right it is all about context . The odd swear word used for emphasis is very different to a swearing rant such as that of Euro on the council tax thread.
Omigod, I've just realised that we have another alter(ed) ego on here: rory is also Grasshopper! :o Stop it, rory - we already have enough on here talking to themselves under different noms-de-computer.
Originally posted by Grasshopper@Feb 6 2007, 03:59 PM
Simmo, surely the correct phrase is 'bawbag' (singular), rather than 'bawbags' (plural)?
In this context, plural is the correct usage. Each forumite is a bawbag and there are many forumites. QED.

Although that does remind me of a conversation I once had about the collective term for sperm.

My personal favourite from the suggestions was "A Blizzard of Jizz". All bawbags should feel free to add their own suggestion.