Valentines Day


At the Start
Apr 16, 2005
How are you celebrating?

We don't use babysitters so we've promised the kids McDonalds and to watch a film upstairs so we can cook a meal and turn our dining room into a restaurant.

Something we have got quite used to.

I've picked our main from the death row thread: Ribeye Steak, Scallops to start, Salted Caramel Profiteroles for dessert.
Epic Valentine's fail from me this morning.

Got up to have my shower, and found a card and box of chocs on my bedside table this morning.

Having no reciprocal gift was bad enough, but asking "We don't usually buy each other Valentines gifts, do we?" merely compounded my schoolboy error when I recieved a somewhat terse "Every year" reply.

I can only hope that the Holy Trinity of bubbles, flowers and chocolates (which I will procure this afternoon) can dig me out of this self-inflicted calamity.

It's also my daughter's 25th birthday today, but I will only get a pasting if I offer this as mitigation.
Another commercially driven load of bollocks, it's what you give and do three hundred and sixty odd days a year, not just today.
My wife and I were happy for twenty years. Then we met.

Losing a wife can be very hard. In my case, it was almost impossible.

My wife's an angel!"You're lucky, mine's still alive."

A good wife always forgives her husband when she's wrong.

I haven't spoken to my wife in 18 months - I don't like to interrupt her.
25 years together & 18 married

Not one Valentines celebrated, nor wedding anniversary (though do intend to do something for 25 years together this year)

Plenty of surprise flowers / pressies / nights outs / weekends away, but when I wanted to and not because I was supposed to

Can’t imagine many things worse than being stuck in a restaurant tonight with loads of other couples for a valentines “special” meal
I agree with Both DG & Perpetual

Myself & hubby have been together 20 years in April although we have only been married for just over 2years,

We don't do Valentines or anniversaries, our local flower shop doubles its prices this week! hubby buys me flowers at various times through the year but he knows I would much prefer plants as they last a heck of a lot longer,

its his birthday next week & we always go to our fav little Italian restaurant that we have been going to for years, don't need all the clap trap that today offers to know how we feel!
Christ, This was supposed to be a positive thread.

I didn't mean to upset the anti Valentines Day anarchists
I don't think valentines is for couples full stop, they've got all year to buy gifts and try to be nice to each other - the whole point is that it's a stalkers paradise isn't it???
I don't think valentines is for couples full stop, they've got all year to buy gifts and try to be nice to each other - the whole point is that it's a stalkers paradise isn't it???

Is a bit

This is true

We had a bloke in this office who followed a really nice bird around that worked for me. He was always a row away in th supermarket and followed her in lifts and so on

We dealt with it well.

I said hes besotted and will probably blow your brains out before blowing out his or it would end up like a texas mcdonalds in here.
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Is a bit

This is true

We had a bloke in this office who followed a really nice bird around that worked for me. He was always a row away in th supermarket and followed her in lifts and so on

We dealt with it well.

I said hes besotted and will probably blow your brains out before blowing out his or it would end up like a texas mcdonalds in here.

When I worked in the US, I lived in Maryland for about 8 months. Whilst there, I shared a house with a couple of guys, one of whom was a right weirdo. He used to come back from the local supermarket saying "Shes ignoring me again!" So I'd ask who and he would go off on this rant about a checkout girl, he'd never spoken to but used to leave his number on her car windscreen. He would get really angry and I did mention to him she might find it a bit freaky and why didn't he just talk to her like a normal human. He got a bit weirder after that and shortly before I left chased me round the apartment with a kitchen knife. I moved back to California after that and he rang me up threatening to track me down and shoot me. He even rang my parents back home and told them what he planned to do. I informed him I was sharing a house with an ex-marine, and never heard from him again.

But a few years ago when there was that sniper shooting people in Maryland, it was so close to where I had house-shared with this guy, I contacted the police there and gave them his details. He is just the sort of person to end up doing something like that - completely unhinged.
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When I worked in the US, I lived in Maryland for about 8 months. Whilst there, I shared a house with a couple of guys, one of whom was a right weirdo. He used to come back from the local supermarket saying "Shes ignoring me again!" So I'd ask who and he would go off on this rant about a checkout girl, he'd never spoken to but used to leave his number on her car windscreen. He would get really angry and I did mention to him she might find it a bit freaky and why didn't he just talk to her like a normal human. He got a bit weirder after that and shortly before I left chased me round the apartment with a kitchen knife. I moved back to California after that and he rang me up threatening to track me down and shoot me. He even rang my parents back home and told them what he planned to do. I informed him I was sharing a house with an ex-marine, and never heard from him again.

But a few years ago when there was that sniper shooting people in Maryland, it was so close to where I had house-shared with this guy, I contacted the police there and gave them his details. He is just the sort of person to end up doing something like that - completely unhinged.

OMG!! :blink: What a grass you are Jinny :D
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When I worked in the US, I lived in Maryland for about 8 months. Whilst there, I shared a house with a couple of guys, one of whom was a right weirdo. He used to come back from the local supermarket saying "Shes ignoring me again!" So I'd ask who and he would go off on this rant about a checkout girl, he'd never spoken to but used to leave his number on her car windscreen. He would get really angry and I did mention to him she might find it a bit freaky and why didn't he just talk to her like a normal human. He got a bit weirder after that and shortly before I left chased me round the apartment with a kitchen knife. I moved back to California after that and he rang me up threatening to track me down and shoot me. He even rang my parents back home and told them what he planned to do. I informed him I was sharing a house with an ex-marine, and never heard from him again.

But a few years ago when there was that sniper shooting people in Maryland, it was so close to where I had house-shared with this guy, I contacted the police there and gave them his details. He is just the sort of person to end up doing something like that - completely unhinged.

You never quite know do you?

Of course when i was telling this girl with my assistant (who nearly collapsed trying to keep a straight face) we were on a total wind up. we even booked an office

She was a great laugh and being the advertising industry anything went really.

But it was in the back of my mind...
Epic Valentine's fail from me this morning.

Got up to have my shower, and found a card and box of chocs on my bedside table this morning.

Having no reciprocal gift was bad enough, but asking "We don't usually buy each other Valentines gifts, do we?" merely compounded my schoolboy error when I recieved a somewhat terse "Every year" reply.

I can only hope that the Holy Trinity of bubbles, flowers and chocolates (which I will procure this afternoon) can dig me out of this self-inflicted calamity.

It's also my daughter's 25th birthday today, but I will only get a pasting if I offer this as mitigation.

Oh we'll it could be worse than your wife ignoring you for the next three weeks because you forgot Valentines Nick. Oh sh*t it is. i forgot you started kids late in life and your daughter is now 25! :blink: :D
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Is it not the case that a couple should celebrate today or any other occasion whatever way they want too but not broadcast it. The worst hour of my life, which I'll never get back, was listening to my cousin give a speech at her wedding about all their 'special' moments together. After throwing up twice I commented to the person beside me

"Would they not keep some memories for themselves"
s it not the case that a couple should celebrate today or any other occasion whatever way they want too but not broadcast it

Totally agree

Last thing i want to see is Grass or someone humping away on x hamster

Then again the valentines day celebration might be a BBC for her and him watching from the wardrobe
I've never watched anything on x hamster.... Watched a fair bit on hamsterX though.

Not on there as far as I'm aware....

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