Victoria Pendleton


Senior Jockey
Sep 15, 2003
Hurry up and move!!
I could have sworn we had a thread about her, but i can't find it.

Anyhoo, she's having her first ride at 5.55 tonight at Newbury - I haven't seen a card but I'm guessing a charity race maybe?
At risk of being accused of muck raking and stirring - she was at Paul Nicholls's wasn't she? But she's now at Lawneys? How odd.

Best of luck to her, I bet she's having a blast with the Hills :)
She lives in Cheshire, I think - it might be as simple as wanting to half the journey time to/from home.
Ah - I thought she'd live Midlandsish ( don't know why, I just did!!) so Lawneys would be a lot closer, but I also thought that as it's a betfair thing she had to be with Paul. Maybe she will go back there nearer the jump season proper or something - or maybe she's at Lawneys for the duration - I haven't taken a whole lot of notice of it, just happened to see that her first ride was today!!

Hope she does ok - she's done very well so far !
At risk of being accused of muck raking and stirring - she was at Paul Nicholls's wasn't she? But she's now at Lawneys? How odd.

lls :)

oh get one comment aimed at you..which was fair comment by the way imo...then you keep crying for days on end about it...come on

bloody hell..the crap i've taken over the years with idiots/cpmplete tossers... purposely posting against me..and then one word of complaint from me and i get all the board buillies posting negatives ..but you? get one negative post and can't get over it

i've got bugger all against you..i don't know you Trudi..but i'm sorry i thought the stuff was a bit out of order..i'm sorry you don't agree..buts thats all it was..just a disagreement.

Now ...if for the next 5 years i ignore all your posts where i agree with you..and only ever post negatively against some of the extremely sad thicko numpties i have on here on my back..then maybe you will have something to complain about.

many years ago i was told by PM that there are some extremely unpleasant people post on here..and i have found out that is true..i don't think i'm one of you??..if you do..then fair enough.

lets move on eh?
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Most of what I put is taken as one ;) this time it genuinely was tongue in cheek though maybe I should have included a smile to reiterate that.

As for the rest of your post - I'm choosing to ignore it. Don't tar me with the same brush as the others, trust me when I say that kind of thing is way too much effort for me, I'm far too busy to mess about like that.

Now can we get back to Ms Pendleton? She's off in a minute.... :)
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Most of what I put is taken as one ;) this time it genuinely was tongue in cheek though maybe I should have included a smile to reiterate that.

As for the rest of your post - I'm choosing to ignore it. Don't tar me with the same brush as the others, trust me when I say that kind of thing is way too much effort for me, I'm far too busy to mess about like that.

Now can we get back to Ms Pendleton? She's off in a minute.... :)

i wasn't tarring you with a brush Trudi..just comparing different levels of grief that gets slung on here...we just disagreed..or i just said something you have taken against.,,there was nothing personal on my part

sorry if you took my post as grief..i just hate all that smith/nicholls stuff..ruins a great legacy imo.

yes..i have had a few quid on Victoria..she might just make a headline today
It's all perspective - i agree though, it's completely ruined what should have been an amazing legacy. It's still there of course, but it's always going to be shadowed a bit. Grrrrrr !!

Go Victoria !! I was really quite anti/jealous when it was first announced she was doing this, (even more than strictly!) but she's stuck with it and all credit for even making it to a charity race in such a short space of time.
Lawney said in the RP piece that the horse isn't "a royal ascot winner" but she's been riding him at home and trusts him - I took that to mean they weren't expecting too much ! Where did she come?
Ah ok. Thankyou :) Thinking about it, I guess there will be something on betfair about it later !

As long as she enjoyed herself this time round, she's going to need more guts to start pointing and hunter chasing - and it's not all that long !!
Was out near the back then ran on a bit. Was about 8th I think.
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Just seen its on the RP already !! 8th. And no mention at all of the winner or placed ( but I know it was about her, not the race per se.)
Just seen its on the RP already !! 8th. And no mention at all of the winner or placed ( but I know it was about her, not the race per se.)

Nothing but a Betfair advert. The whole thing stinks to high heaven. (and she's a mentalist)
It's amazing that they don't even mention the others - I know Mark Todd ( multiple Olympic medallist and top top top event rider and equestrian for anyone who doesn't know him- INCREDIBLY tall too!) was in it and I think Chris King might have been ( UK event rider) so to have not even a smattering of a sentence seems a bit harsh. I know the article was about VP, but one sentence can't have been too much you'd have thought, everyone would have raised a lot of money for charity doing it, would have been nice to get a tiny mention!!
I think Maisie Turner rode the winner judged on Facebook posts but not certain on that Trudi, works/rides out in the Lambourn area I think.

These were the notes some bookies were referring to which shows runners and riders
