A bloody expensive day. Is it the same experience for our UK friends ?
I'm getting married in January, and while none of you feckers is invited, before you get any funny ideas (well one of you is, but you know who you are, and you better not get any funny ideas either), any less-than-funny ideas on what pitfalls to avoid or what might be a good idea to incorporate, would be welcome.
A free bar all day and night makes a hero of the groom , and will almost certainly secure "best wedding ever" status in the memories of the assembled guests. This does however have to be offset against the exorbitant fecking cost of such largesse.
My brother chose to get married on St Leger day. Luckily he had a sensible best man who knew that Redhead II and I would much rather be elsewhere at that time of the day. He started his speech with: "For those of you who are missing their afternoon's racing to celebrate their brother's wedding, the winner of the St Leger was Bob's Return ..."
When you get married do you have to give up lumping on?
I'm getting married in January, and while none of you feckers is invited, before you get any funny ideas (well one of you is, but you know who you are, and you better not get any funny ideas either), any less-than-funny ideas on what pitfalls to avoid or what might be a good idea to incorporate, would be welcome.
When you get married do you have to give up lumping on?
A few sincere thank yous should be enough-don't try to be a comedian.I know someone-an incredibly intelligent man-who had his mother in law and sisters in law in tears after an insensetive comment.
It's an emotional day fuelled by alcohol-don't underestimate what can go wrong.
I got married the same day as David Wachman married John Magniers daughter.We were only 20 miles away.Guess who had Rod Stewart and Lionel Richie as the entertainment.
Jesus, some line up or a wedding!! I'd say magnier was seething you had them booked...
Jesus, some line up or a wedding!! I'd say magnier was seething you had them booked...