Welcome! First Impressions?

Perhaps the use of BOLD lettering(?) in topic titles should be restricted to Stickies, comps announcements, etc. Spoils the look of the Board and gives a misleading view of importance for normal threads,

The quote fonts sizes have now been reduced too. If anyone sees any issues with this let me know.
The individual post icons - which people rarely use - are now turned off too. This reduces the amount of space each post uses.
I've changed the formatting of the posts so that, like the old forum, the user info and avatar etc. is on the right hand side, and the post text on the left hand side.

I think this makes reading threads much more natural, but it might just be what I'm used to.

The downside is that there's a lot of wasted space when posters with avatars make short posts (like the one I made directly above!).

Please let me know what you all think with any of these changes; they can all be reverted easily enough.
is that not where it was before? Thats where the default vbulletin puts them.
Anyway, enough of this, Doctor Who time!
2 doctors tonight I believe and donna - what is she - time lord possibly?
spoiler above in white
No, the user data was stretching across the top. It's now using the 'legacy' setting.
Seems pretty good so far. I've been on holiday for a couple of weeks so I've not really used it much but the layout looks good.
I find the bright blue against the white background a little garish.

Is there any way I can change the colours/background?
I've darkened the background to reduce the contrast a bit. Let me know what you think.

We'll look at adding some extra themes/styles that people can choose themselves later on.