What are you NOT watching?

Desert Orchid

Senior Jockey
Aug 2, 2005
Something crossed my mind recently and noticing the 'what are you watching thread' just reminded me:

What 'popular' TV programmes have you never watched?


Other than catching a second or two while channel-hopping, I have never seen any of:

Big Brother
Any of the 'I'm a celeb' / 'jungle' programmes
Game of Thrones
Line of Duty
The Voice

I'm sure there's plenty more and Line of Duty is one I want to see but will probably wait for the boxed set now. I can't be arsed with Netflix.
For me it's Friends & Game of Thrones (although I did watch the first 10 minutes of the first episode of GOT)
I try and live by the wise maxim "try everything once except folk-dancing and incest" so I've grinned-and-borne snippets of most 'popular' shows but of those mentioned so far on this thread don't recall having seen any I'm a Celebrity..., TOWIE, Game of Thrones, Mrs Brown's Boys, Friends, The Voice

Also, haven't seen Fleabag or Love Island

Line of Duty is first-rate, though I was a late-comer to it and have enjoyed catching up with the first three-or-so series
Fleabag & Love Island for me too.

Mrs Brown's Boys I've seen bits of but it's too much like (maybe I'm wrong here as I haven't seen much of it) Father Ted (and I disn't see much of that either).

As for folk-dancing and incest, you could be missing out on something :lol:
Oh my - Mrs Brown’s Boys is NOTHING like Father Ted !

I’ve not seen Line of Duty, Fleabag or lots of stuff like that. Only watched one episode of Game of Thrones - confused me way, way too much to bother with any further.
Same goes with the soldier thing everyone raves about.
Occasionally I watch bits of the finals of some of the “talent” shows - but I don’t watch any of the lead ups to that, so I like to think that counts as not watching them.

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Oh my - Mrs Brown’s Boys is NOTHING like Father Ted !

You're probably right, trudij.

I just watch a few of these skits and think, "OK, this is stuff I could have written myself (bearing in mind my background)." Which is largely the way I felt watching Father Ted.

Don't get me wrong. I love everything to do with Ireland, the Irish and the Irish humour. Maybe I don't watch enough of Mrs Brown to make a proper comparison but from what I have seen it is all very predictable, which is what I felt about Father Ted.
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MBB was great for the first few series - then it all just got too predictable for my liking.
father ted was great all through. ( IMO)

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Don't really watch MMB when it's on the tv but did see the live show and it was brilliant. I suppose it reminds me a bit of stuff from my childhood like Old Mother Riley. And it was very pantomimic [if that's a word]. I've been very underwhelmed by most of the live stand up comics I've been to see [not that I've seen many] but MMB was very funny. [Rich Hall being the only stand up that I really loved along with Paul Mertons impro chums...]
...I can't watch repeats of Father Ted because I still haven't got over him dying so suddenly..
Father ted was genius,i watch the repeats over and over again one of the best comedy series ever made...