What Is Your Favourite Fish ?

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As I don't eat meat I cheat and eat fish . What is your favourite ?

Halibut and Turbot if I can get it but I have to admit environmentallly unsound as it is that I love cod -
From the Arabian Gulf: red snapper and a fantastic fish locally known as 'hamoor', which is from the grouper family. Very ugly, fabulously delicious, it's chunky like cod, but tastes sweet like halibut. Marvellous barbecued, too.

Halibut is soooo delish. Had one a few days' ago at the restaurant we went to with Paul and his sis, Ardross - huge steak of it, just gorgeous. But you can't beat a cod that's been fried in the lightest and crispiest of batters. Lingfield new Fish Bar serves up a really, really good one - no soggy or heavy batter, a humungous piece of fish, and cooked to just tender inside. Mmmmm...

I love salmon, hate tuna - mostly because it reminds me of cat food and also because of the amount of dolphins and other creatures caught in the tuna nets. Trout, too. And smoked kippers - and mackerel.

:blink: If I really, really had to eat only one fish, it would have to be the Gulf hamoor. The best taste and texture ever. Anyone going to Dubai should order it up. It's so versatile, it's superb eaten cold with salad, too.
I cooked a magnificent cod dish the other day from the Gordon Ramsay book - bloke is a tosser but some cook - Roasted Cod with Lentils Leeks and Mustard Dressing
Honestly, James - you're anti-hunting, anti-farming yet you eat fish - the most over-farmed, environmentally unsound source of protein on the planet...
OH JUST LOVE FISH...... had COD for tea this evening, trying to think of one I DON'T like!! Tuna in a tin I suppose its o/k but sticks in my throat causing indigestion........ Sea Bass is brill too.... love to try Turbot but so DIFFICULT and expensive to come accross.........was earlier contemplating getting up early and nipping into the local market CARDIFF CENTER to buy me some MUSSELLS COCKLES and WHELKS I love all of that stuff too....but I need to be in there by 8-15 am to beat traffic and parking problems........... :rolleyes:
Excuse me Mrs Turner :angry: when have I said I am anti-farming and what has hunting got to do with anything - they don't eat foxes well not in Yorkshire anyway I can't speak for Norfolk or Somerset :P .

I agree you should not eat cod really but I always buy Icelandic cod as after the cod war they have properly conserved their stocks
I believe his crippling Loakes worn for last year's Royal Ascot were made of rather good leather, too... :D

I'm always amazed how many people claim to be vegetarian, then have no qualms about munching poultry, fish, and seafood. They're just not eating meat. They seem to assume a charming chicken, innocent fish or dear ickle cockle is somehow less deserving of living than a steer, a lamb, or a piggy. It's terribly specist. (None of this is a rant at you, dear Ardross. You get it in the neck enough on the Racing Section.)
I don't eat poultry - it is just easier to say you are a vegetarian to make sure you do not get fed beef or lamb etc
HO me a big meat eater..... also LAMB is brill!!! you can have your way with them (old joke of SOLERINA'S what do they call a LAMB tied up to a lamp post??? in Wales!! A LEISURE CENTRE :D ) then munch them up with roasties, leeks, parsnips, gravy and mint sauce.... serves as dual purpose animal ..... :lol: :lol:
Aside from the welsh national joke bureau (welsh FBI) my opinion is that Salmon and Trout are my two fav fish. :D One of the positive aspects of us being made redundant is that I shall never have to troubleshoot the basic things " I've got no pictures " . On investigation it transpires that some subscribers don't know how to turn the television on . So I'll try to help but it might take some time
Sea Bass and Monkfish are the greatest fish. For classic fish and chips, cod rules and I love mussels more than life itself.
To Clarify , my answer is Salmon and Troute . Avaible in Scotland /Ireland / England but I've been told you don't get Salmom from Wales fisheries
The only bit of fish you'll catch me eating is a skinned haddock blathered in greasy batter and covered in a sickly amount of salt and vinegar! All this seafood stuff......the smell alone leaves me feeling sick!
Skate wings ( fried or poached ), rock salmon ( same - fried or poached ) and sea bass are my faves - I love fish - but all the bones annoy me - I reckon that is why rock and skate are up there.....

Love meat too, but only really like lamb if it is hot - its got too much fat for my liking when its cold.
It shows you what a barmy fecking world it is when they'll ban foxhunting but allow commercial fishing to destroy the world's ocean life.
They may even do a cull on seals to stop them eating ALL the cod? so does one base foxhunting as a cull to stop them attacking farm animals??? and denying you or I a meal; on the table.........
my favorites are

cod with chips

red mullet with either new potatoes

or like ian i am verypartial to sushi

sea urchin cod roe

being amongst my favorite sushi

i alsolike monkfish turbot sea bass lemom sole

and kippers for my breakfast

i detest salmon (except smoked) trout rock and skate
I love any sort of seafood, mussels and jellied eels are favourites, though a really good bit of cod is hard to beat.
Ugghhhhh....don't do fish or seafood in any way, shape or form. It smells digusting, looks horrible & tastes even worse!!!!!!!!