What Time Do You Go To Bed At?

Originally posted by Griffin@Jan 25 2007, 11:09 AM
While I was pregnant I got up at least three times a night for a wee so for around 18 months
Ah yes & towards the end it was more like six times a night :lol: add to that the acid reflux & turning over in bed resembled a walrus moving about :blink: worst habit I got into was taking afternoon naps it took me years to get out of that :angry:
It's rare I'm not in my pit by about 10.15 ish but I can't get to sleep without reading. Last night was an exception, as I was still awake at midnight - for which I am now paying by yawning over my keyboard.

Am definitely an early bird, as poor Kri will confirm - it's not good if you'e a night owl staying here!
10pm pretty much every night, although i was asleep by 9 last night and only just woke up at 11, i have been doing quite a few hours this week and needed a sleep
Normally in bed by about 11pm to read for half an hour. As I am "working" from home mostly, I get up when I want to!

I spent so many years getting up at 7am that getting up at 08:30 (or later) is now an absolute luxury. Long may it continue. :)
You should try working a shift system. You can sleep anywhere, and at any time ( but usually only in small snatches ).
I'm usually in bed for 11pm, and last night was the same although there must have been something in the water as i never got to sleep untill 4am.

I am now officially knackered.
I got to bed at a relatively early 2.30am last night......so I'm sorry I missed your early replies Gearoid!!
ARKERS no doubt, to lay on ALL the monies you have won of late.............. ;) :D

ME anytime really depending what I am doing ??? Fri Sat Sun last 3-30 am app fixing a few glitches????? :teeth: on p-c......... Mon 3am Tues 2am Wed 1-30 am.....

so it really varies in my case very raerely do I go to bed the same day as I awake............. :)
Im always up at 7.00am to set things up at work, and we dont stop until 7.00pm. some nights I fall asleep without dinner, others nights I go out on a bender and dont get to bed til 5ish. However, if i have female company then sometimes i dont get any sleep :o .

its all a relief when saturday & sunday come as i sleep in til the afternoon
I work shifts so it depends. No earlier than 11pm and anytime up to 4am depending on what i`m doing. Average would be 1am.
The weekend is different for me. Up at about 8.30, which is lovely as I am up at 5.30 in the week and then bed around midnight.
Round about 11 if it's through the week but at weekends or when I'm off work it tends to be around 1 or 2 am.