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What's The Difference?


Dormant account
Mar 24, 2005
Shock Horror!!! January 2007 temperatures were as high as those last experienced in 1916!!!.

So what happened in 1916 to elevate average temperatures in January to the global warming levels of 2007?.

Was it millions of motor vehicles congesting their motorways and city centres and creating dangerous emissions? Unlikely, since motorways did not exist and most journeys were undertaken in horse-drawn vehicles.

Could the destruction of rainforests, by exhaustive logging operations, have given rise to escalating temperatures? Probably not, because few people recognised their existance at that particular time, and the natives were lucky if they were equiped with spades and scythes, let alone chainsaws and JCB's.

Perhaps their environmental contamination was caused by thousands of jet aircraft burning high octane aviation fuel at high altitude. Well, there were many more "Virgins" in 1916 than exist in 2007, but none were operating transatlantic air-lines and Amy Johnson did not fly the Atlantic untill 20 years later.

Nuclear fission can also be ruled out as a potential cause of pollution in 1916, since the atom was not split untill the 1940's.

The common factor linking the two eras is political rhetoric, peddling fears in order to extract punitive taxation.

So, I conclude that the solitary cause of global warming is so much hot air!!! :laughing:
mark, I don't know wheher you ever had any ambitions towards science as a career but one thing that would prevent such a move would be flawed logic.

January 2007 was the warmest on record in the UK since 1916 when average temperatures are taken into account. That is true but to extrapolate it as you do is like looking at a replay of the 1967 Grand National and saying that you'd expect all the runners in the race bar one to fall on a fairly regular basis.

Worldwide, the sixteen warmest years since temperature record keeping began in 1867 have occurred since 1980.

The three warmest years on record have come in the last five years.

Decadal temperatures have been rising steadily since the 1970s.

The source for this information is the Goddard Institute for Space Studies, where climatologists have been monitoring and regularly reporting on indicators of global warming which, despite your assertion that it's all "political rhetoric, peddling fears in order to extract punitive taxation", has in fact brought them into conflict with the politicians who have denied that what they are witnessing is caused by the actions of mankind.

Now, I would agree that the information that I have listed above would need further study, but I trust you'll argee that it has more significance than a warm January in Wigan 91 years ago?
I think you'll find this graph interesting, Mark. It shows the deviation of the average global temperature each year from the 1961 to 1990 average.

A recent study allegedly showed that the hole in the ozone layer has not only stopped growing but may even have started to close again (they say it's too early to be definite about it).

It looks like we're paying the price for things that have been going on for decades and our actions now will benefit future generations rather than ourselves. I can live with that.

Still, I think I'd prefer a climate more in line with the northern US. Hot summers and snowy winters. I think experiencing one helps you appreciate the other. Our season virtually blend into each other. It's dead boring. I want to be able to build snowmen and have snow fights in the winter. I want to be able to walk about in the summer wearing little more than my P20.
When you see the places where Scots have chosen to emigrate in numbers, such as Canada, the mid west of the US and the south island of New Zealand it's obvious their own climate must be awful.
Bjorn Lomberg wrote a book called The Skeptical Environmentalist a couple of years back. It was an interesting read, had to read a couple of chapters for an essay...

If interested, google it........Mr Lomberg wasnt too popular with environmentalist after the book.
Originally posted by BrianH@Feb 12 2007, 01:53 PM
Scotland is the one exception where global warming is concerned
Sadly this isn't true. We've had it very mild up here. Two snowy days so far this winter and even then it was only an inch or so.

However, if one of the predicted effects of global warming proves to be correct, we could all be in for a nasty cliate change. Some studies reckon if much more of the (northern) polar ice cap melts the colder water moving south will overcome the Gulf Stream, diverting it away from us. This will lead to winters on a par with Canada and Siberia.
Originally posted by Grey@Feb 12 2007, 02:21 PM
When you see the places where Scots have chosen to emigrate in numbers, such as Canada, the mid west of the US and the south island of New Zealand it's obvious their own climate must be awful.
Not to mention Northern Ireland
according to his website, he is in the top 100 of the most influential people in the world. The survey was carried out by the times magazine.
Originally posted by BrianH@Feb 12 2007, 12:58 PM
mark, I don't know wheher you ever had any ambitions towards science as a career but one thing that would prevent such a move would be flawed logic.

January 2007 was the warmest on record in the UK since 1916 when average temperatures are taken into account. That is true but to extrapolate it as you do is like looking at a replay of the 1967 Grand National and saying that you'd expect all the runners in the race bar one to fall on a fairly regular basis.

Worldwide, the sixteen warmest years since temperature record keeping began in 1867 have occurred since 1980.

The three warmest years on record have come in the last five years.

Decadal temperatures have been rising steadily since the 1970s.

The source for this information is the Goddard Institute for Space Studies, where climatologists have been monitoring and regularly reporting on indicators of global warming which, despite your assertion that it's all "political rhetoric, peddling fears in order to extract punitive taxation", has in fact brought them into conflict with the politicians who have denied that what they are witnessing is caused by the actions of mankind.

Now, I would agree that the information that I have listed above would need further study, but I trust you'll argee that it has more significance than a warm January in Wigan 91 years ago?
Brian my post was very, very tongue in cheek. :D
Originally posted by Will@Feb 12 2007, 04:16 PM
according to his website, he is in the top 100 of the most influential people in the world. The survey was carried out by the times magazine.
Further down the list than Jade Goody, I'll wager :suspect:
Originally posted by Desert Orchid@Feb 12 2007, 01:48 PM
I think I'd prefer a climate more in line with the northern US. Hot summers and snowy winters.
I concur. Proper seasons, instead of varying temperatures of rain. On the plus side, we do get cheapo methadone prescriptions.
Originally posted by Grey@Feb 12 2007, 08:32 PM
Be careful what you wish for.
I'll endorse that. I was once in Chicago when the temperature was over 100 degrees Fahrenheit. They were moving old people who had no air conditioning at home to makeshift rest centres, only some were refusing to leave their homes and the local television news was reporting deaths with every bulletin.

I wanted a plug adaptor and the hotel was out of them temporaily. They offered to get one but the concierge had told me that there was a shop in the same block so I said I'd walk down and buy one myself. I hadn't gone very far when I began to wish that I had waited for the hotel to supply one as I was starting to melt. It was about then that I saw the sign on a lamp post about five feet (1.52 metres) above ground level. It said "Do not park here when the snow reaches this height."

It was from that moment that I started to really appreciate what it means to live in a temperate climate.
We`re on roughly the same latitude as Canada. Luckily we have the warm currents from the Gulf of Mexico to keep us warmer than the Canucks.
I remember as a teenager there was something on the telly about the climate in New York and how hot it can get in summer. My father mentioned he was hardly surprised since it was on the same latitude as Madrid. I scuttled off to check my world atlas and sure enough it is.