I have to confess to adding to my Roll of Idiocies tonight. I settled down for a nice frightening time c/o 'Spooks' on BBC1, which promised the conclusion of last night's ripping yarn. After 20 minutes, I was fuming that the fools at the Beeb were merely re-running last night's episode - someone asleep at the controls, I snorted, as I dialled the Beeb's contact number. A charming gentleman called Neil listened to my little rant - which I couched politely, if slightly tinged with a little sarcasm - and went offline to confer. When he came back on line, he said he'd been asked to ask me if I'd watched the second episode on BBC3, after the first one on BBC1.
I picked up my Radio Times, and began to read the blurb for BBC1, saying no, that's all I'd... erm... just a minute. Perhaps that large ballpoint ring around 'Spooks' on BBC3 was a bit of a giveaway? Yes, I'd watched both episodes last night. :shy: I asked if he got many maniacs calling to complain they'd already watched episodes they'd already watched, and he said 'you'd be surprised'. I have the feeling the call will be logged under 'Dingbats'.