When And How Will You Die?

steven : At age 65 you will die fighting the Interplanetary War on Terrorism on Phobos, a moon of Mars.

Ah yes... but will I really be dead? Do you really think so ?
Cheryl: At age 44 you will drown in a wading pool under mysterious circumstances. The only clue will be a small blue pacifier found around your neck.

;) Intriguing
Kathy: At age 87 you will have a heart attack while eating a deep-fried peanut butter and banana sandwich, Elvis style.

I hate peanut butter but living until 87 years could be OK, unless I have also taken on the appearance and habits of Elvis . :blink:
Tom at age 62 you will receive 15000 volts attempting to gain entrance to Lingfield racecourse.
Please let me know the date and year of your 62nd Birthday, Tom.

I'll bring some flowers and a dustpan and brush. :blink:
Phil: At age 71 you will be murdered by a 62 year old woman named Christina while attempting to forcefully recruit her to fight in the Interplanetary War on Terrorism on Camp Harmony, Venus.

How bizarre.
Krizon: you will never die. You will remain as young and dew-fresh as always, your scintillating wit and social brilliance an eternal beacon among the ashes and decaying bones of all mere mortals.
Originally posted by Honest Tom@Jan 24 2007, 10:01 PM
Tom at age 62 you will receive 15000 volts attempting to gain entrance to Lingfield racecourse.
HT, you were very nearly getting a visit from the E.Dead Group with a bill for a new laptop as this one almost got a mouthfull of San Miguel sprayed over it. Classic.
Ooh, missed that one overleaf! :lol: :lol: :lol: HT - awww, you KNOW I'd never do that to you. :(

It'd have to be 25000 volts, to make sure...
Alex: At age 49 you will take a near lethal dose of mescaline, wander the desert for six months, and eventually be eaten by coyotes

Jolly good show.
mike: At age 75 you will die from wounds delivered by a blender after trying to make your sixteenth magarita of the day. (And it's on 3:00pm, shame on you
Mark: At the age of 63, whilst attending a social dinner with members from an online discussion board, the roast beef will taste strange and a few days later a disease in the meat chain will kill you all.
Alistair: At age 56 you will be struck by lightning while trying to move the antenna beside your mobile home in order to pick up late night adult movies.

And they say lightening doesn't strike twice :cry: