Which forum member is most excited about Cheltenham ?


At the Start
May 2, 2003
Front runner for me at the moment is SteveM.

His posting rate is increasing exponentially as the Festival draws nearer.... :lol:

Other contenders for the Title of TH Gold Cup Spinner 2009 ?
Steve is about as far clear of the rest of the field as Kasbah Bliss will be come the end of the stayers hurdle...miles in front of the rest!!!

Love the week before Cheltenham...nearly as good as the week of racing itself!
Yup think you're right there, Jules. Hope he doesn't shoot his bolt too early and have nothing left though!
:p I tell you what, I'm a complete state of nerves at the moment. I'm off work from tomorrow to do the serious studying. It's pointless me being at work right now as I can't concentrate on anything other than the four days next week.
Yup think you're right there, Jules. Hope he doesn't shoot his bolt too early and have nothing left though!

:eek: I’m not quite sure I understand your right jinny… but I like to hold a bit of something back for consistency of performance… I’ll see you there!
:p I tell you what, I'm a complete state of nerves at the moment. I'm off work from tomorrow to do the serious studying. It's pointless me being at work right now as I can't concentrate on anything other than the four days next week.

Fair play to you Steve, you're a man after my own heart. Am wasting everybodys time being at work..pointless it is, roll on Tuesday lunchtime:ninja:
I'm going all week, just resting up now so I have the stamina. As long as the weather does not play the kind of tricks it did last year I think I will still be standing at the end of it all. :)
Totally agreed. I`m gonna have to back the old sod as well.

Also, can anyone remember as many old champions running as this year - Four past winners in the CH, Well Chief in the QM and three past winners in the Gold Cup (am I right in assuming War of Attrition is taking his chance?) as well as Our Vic in the Ryanair and some old stagers in the Foxhunters.
I'd have thought Cantoris might have a interest and reason to be more quietly optimistic than he's letting on:whistle:
Im going tuesday wednesday friday and have a spare club ticket for thursday due to not wanting to go on that day so i can recover for gold cup day mind il still be in the hollow bottom on thursday.
I've cleared a 2 week backlog at work in 5 days (ice and snow doubled the Fracture Clinic numbers) and I'm knackered. Like SteveM, taking Thursday and Friday off to do some proper work.

I will be going all 4 days - though I do miss the Friday lie-in and late lunch in town that a 3-day Festival allowed.
I've got a bit of plain paper out and written 'Chel , Tue ' at the top, which means I'm getting excited. Especially as its a new bit of paper.